
2009-05-01 11:31 am
前幾日,我o向運輸署羅到個 HK 牌,係由英國車牌轉o既,本人今年 11 月 24 years old 已經有兩年 UK牌,咁如果要o向香港買車保險,個Driving Age會唔會又由頭計過?

咁如果我要買o既車係1300 cc 三保係幾 $$ 到??

回答 (1)

2009-05-15 12:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
UK driving licence holder can drive in HK, but the insurers will
charge you as foreigners. loading and loading,

HK driving licence holder will be counted on the years of licence
and insurance period.
Sorry you change the licence fromUK, then you are new. No NCB
make more quotations.

Good luck

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