Itchy swollen fingers?

2009-05-01 6:11 am
I had a itchy swollen finger last night after eating chicken and spam but why now i've been eating chicken and spam and never had any allergic reaction in my whole life and untill now its still itch and swollen, I tried some lotion and creams and never work. It does'nt itch when I don't touch it but, once I scratch it a little it will itch like crazy and it feels like it's inside my skin thats why im using my teeth to scratch it.

回答 (5)

2009-05-01 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
take a "BenadryI" allergy pill -- pink box, take 2 pills. Supposed to be gone about half hour, try it
2017-02-22 11:31 pm
Itchy Swollen Fingers
2016-05-25 3:36 pm
I sympathise, i put up with the same thing for years, couldn't work out what it was, GP kept saying contact dermatitis, yet I wasn't doing anything different sometimes, but the reaction would sometimes be severe, my fingers would swell, hands would itch terribly, even would get small blisters appear or get like small rash of bumps. Then I was got ill with flu, stopped eating my regular foods, then my hands, fingers etc cleared up totally, investigated it further myself (GP was crap and said it couldn't be to do with food allergy!!!) Anyway, cut out white bread, biscuits, pasta, some cakes etc and problem went away totally. Not medically trained obviously, but it works for me, I react to food that has white flour in it??? or if i've had pasta for a meal, guarantee the next morning i'll be itching like a maniac. Also found that my skin overall improved and stomach stopped looking so bloated. Try it, you never know it might just work! Good luck. x
2009-05-01 6:31 am
NONONONO!!! NOT BCUZ OF the chicken!!!

i think you got chilblains .. i had that too.. its bcuz ur fingers were exposed to too much cold. wear gloves next time when u go out, please!!
its not permanent it will go away IF you keep your hands warm.. it should go away after winter but would recur next winter so please keep them warm to prevent them from recurring.
2009-05-01 6:16 am
Hi, its better if you consult a dermatologist(skin specialist)

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