
2009-05-01 3:35 am
千萬別用“true emotion is a good article”~~

有新進業務問及如何與客戶培養良好的互動??? 我同他們說面對客戶抱著"真感情就是好文章"的心態,客戶就很快的能接受我們啦~~~ 但是好像要把這句話翻成英文鬼佬似乎不容易懂~~ 所以上來請大家幫幫忙囉~~~

回答 (10)

2009-05-10 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案

另外,我建議不一定在emotion、feelings這些字打轉,我建議用一個phrase:“from the heart”

from the heart
Fig. from a deep and sincere emotional source.
I know that your kind words come from the heart. We don't want your gift unless it comes from the heart.


An article is good (或 appealing) only when it is written from the heart.

2009-05-07 1:49 am
1.The real sentiment is the good article.
2.How had recently the service to inquire about with the customer raise good interaction???
I with them said that is holding &quot facing the customer; The real sentiment is good article " The point of view, the customer on very quick can accept our ~~~
2009-05-04 8:16 pm
feel is the good article
2009-05-01 8:12 pm
Is feeling really good article
參考: 自己
2009-05-01 11:54 am
Utilizing words that express true emotions can make an article sound admirable.
2009-05-01 5:53 am
Only articles with true feeling are good.
2009-05-01 5:50 am


2009-05-01 5:06 am
An article is appealing only when it is filled with true feelings.

2009-04-30 21:26:23 補充:
An appealing article only comes from true feelings.

2009-05-03 22:12:02 補充:

Just like an appealing article which only comes from true feelings, customers will easily accept us as long as we are frank and sincere.
2009-05-01 4:45 am
The real emotion is a good article
參考: me
2009-05-01 4:33 am
Words with feelings are the best.

2009-04-30 21:26:46 補充:
...true feelings....

(much better ==")

2009-05-02 01:00:52 補充:
I think foreigners will understand my WORDS easily, since they seldom look up the Internet dictionary before they listen to the others' saying.
參考: samuelgiggs2003

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