✔ 最佳答案
1) Yes, 唔洗再辦台証 (加拿大護照)
2) In my opinion, just use the 香港特區護照 and don't have to mention about the 加拿大護照 (But strongly suggest you get another advice from 中旅
3) Whether can you apply for the 落地簽證 i can't tell you, but 係邊辦落地簽證 is when you arrive 台灣, before you go to the custom, there is a counter for 落地簽證, and that counter, fill in a form and also NT$200. (P.S. you also need to fill in the form given to you on the plan)
4) Go to check out CX airline website for package or EVA airline for ticket alone, and during June should be around $1100 - 1500 (included tax) - P.S. personally i wouldn't take China Airline 中華航空
2009-04-30 16:25:53 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^