
2009-04-30 8:42 am




回答 (7)

2009-05-08 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)艾格,我會搵加拿斯代替佢囉 因為加拿斯頭除、射門能力、助攻能力同防守能力都比佢好。當然會比艾加更穩定啦。
2009-05-09 12:44 am
2009-05-06 2:16 am
Not a bad formation 75 marks
Good goalkeeper
Defensive layer is quite ok, better suggestion
either Daniel Alves or Sergio Ramos is ok
Sergio Ramos: Headshot
Daniel Alves: Shooting
Marks are deducted because of the midfield. You have to either choose Fabregas or Lampard because their roles are similar
If you use Fabregas:
Senna replace Lampard
Hold Lampard:
Replace Fabregas by Essien
Both forms need to switch Ineista and Kaka's positions
Another form: not using Lampard and Fabregas
DMF: Mascherano CMF: Xavi LMF: Ineista RMF: Kaka
DMF: Mascherano CMF: Gago RMF: Kaka LMF: Ineista
Forward can remain the same
Better form: Drogba (CF) Rooney/Villa (SS)
You can form a 4-3-3 formation by replace Fabregas by Drogba and put Drogba as a center forward (well-builted body like an elephant)
Rooney and Villa on either one wings
or replace Villa by Cristiano Ronaldo and Lampard by Xavi
2009-05-01 2:01 am
you can use Van Der Sar or Buffon be your GK.And Terry and 沙治奧拉莫斯 is good. But I suggest you use Rio Ferdiano and 佩奧爾 for your defenser. So you can use 4-3-3 in your team. The middle parts must be Farbergas , Xavi and Gerrard . The Forward must be Torres, C.Ronaldo and Messi.Hope I can help you.

2009-04-30 18:01:52 補充:
Ar i may give you 80 points for this
參考: me
2009-04-30 9:15 pm

2009-04-30 8:52 pm
in kepper you should put van der sar

in(RB)sergio ramos(CB)terry and rio (lb)Evra

c7 gerrard kaka rolaldinno

ROONEY messi
2009-04-30 11:14 am
Its quite a good formation but it can certainly be better:

卡斯拿斯(GK)? I dont think he is that good compare to :

Chelsea GK : Czech / Man. U GK : Van de ser

艾加(CB): VERY GOOD CHOICE, he is such a good player.

....艾殊利高爾(LB)..? NO WAY. : Gianluca Zambrotta (AC Milan) must be the best.

恩尼斯達(RMF): I agree he is a good player, but not close comparing him to C Ronaldo.

林柏特(AMF): Also a talented player but... Xavi Alonso ( Liverpool)
Ballack (Chelsea)
Essien ( Barcelona)
De Rossi (Roma)

韋拿(CF) : ... must be Samuel Eto'o ( Barcelona)

These are just my suggestions, hope can be useful.

p.s. I am a big Man. U fan....

2009-04-30 03:17:11 補充:
sorry, one more suggestion for Midfield, Messi ( Barcelona) is probably the best choice.

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