2009-04-30 8:12 am
在英國,Constitutional Convention 不是法律,而是一套規則,Convention 有包括"Vote of No Confident"、"Government must be strong"、"Royal Assent"等等,想問:
1.) 香港有沒有任何Convention?在1997年回歸前,香港有沒有Convention管制的呢?
2.) 香港立法會能否仿效英國以Convention管制立法會議員的行為?會否可行?

回答 (2)

2009-05-02 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. No Hong Kong was governed by the Letters Patent, "Charter of the Colony of Hong Kong" before 1996. After 1997 it was replaced by the Basic Law.

2. This is a difficult question, there is ongoing debate for it, you should study this proposal in 2000.
2009-05-04 8:19 pm
Thk, lamtelephone, your URL is very useful. It clearly state that without UK Ministerial system, HK senior civil servent has to take up this part of the job, I agree that HK is relatively small will seems improper to have such system in HK,

2009-05-04 12:19:44 補充:
but HK really needed some institution with similar effect provide conventional control to civil servent, or else the control will become uncontrolable and cannot self regulate. Basic Law alone the conventional effect are really limited.

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