Tell me a "practice" pokemon to EV train?

2009-04-29 8:17 pm
I want to see if it is worth it. Please make it an easy pokemon to catch good nature and where to train and who to fight against. Also no pokemon which a good move set needs egg moves.

Starly hmm I already have a staraptor...

回答 (4)

2009-04-29 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Starly is a great pokemon to test EV training out on. Trust me, EV training is definitely worth it.

Train your Starly only against other Starly and Staravia. They hand out speed points, so it will make yours faster. After you kill 252 of them, go ahead and begin training it against Machops and Bibarel for attack points.

Before you do anything however, be sure to give it 10 Carbos and 10 Protein. This will reduce the number of pokemon you have to kill by 100 for both speed and attack.

Email me if you need help with EV training and I'll try to explain a bit more if I can.
2009-04-29 8:25 pm
Starly, easy to catch (beginning of the game, very useful)
Now, EV training is about fighting as many of the same pokemon (like keep battling geodude's or whatever)
So Bidoof's are around the same area you'll catch Starly, keep battling, it'll take some time

Oh and Kirby, cheers for answering mine :D
2009-04-30 2:29 am
EV training is worth it. OK? My Groudons speed is over 270 and it's attack at 424. My Palkia spec. att is even higher at 436. My doexys 507 special attack and 376 speed. But these are my legendaries. I have a togetic with a 381 special attack.

If your going to ev train make it a worthwile pokemon. Something that is strong to begin with like either a adamant or jolly gible, or a modest lucario.
2009-04-29 10:22 pm
Starly, easy to catch.

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