✔ 最佳答案
OK便利店主要目標顧客為年輕人, 學生, 為了令銷售增加, 我們可以擴闊目標市場, 例如外籍佣工或家庭主婦, 銷售更多外國雜誌或報章, 又可以出售嬰兒產品, 奶粉, 從而吸納更多顧客.
The target customers of Circle K Convenience Store are mainly teenagers and students. In order to increase sales, the market base can be broadened to cover foreign maids and family housewives as well. Overseas magazines and newspapers or baby products such as baby powder can be put on sale to attract more customers.
推廣員工優惠, 可以刺激到大量員工消費, 令收入增加, 或員工以優惠價格購買長期滯銷的產品, 以提高產品流量.
Offering staff discount can boost consumption of large numbers of staff members so as to increase revenue. Alternatively, staff can purchase slow-selling products at a discount price so that the sales condition can be improved.
對抗經濟下滑, 建議便利店改變市場策略, 賣平d, 或推出更多新產品, 例如又可推出更多以主題節日為主的相關產品.
To remain defensive during economic slump, it is advisable for convenience stores to change their marketing strategies by means of price cuts or introduction of more new items such as festival-themed products.
對抗經濟下滑 = 在經濟差的環境下, 仍然能令業務維持強勁的抗跌力 (所謂「守得住」) i.e. defensive
To be cost effective, companies must reduce or redistribute slow-selling products at least once a year. (滯銷的產品)