State, country, regime

2009-04-30 4:49 am
What is the difference between a state, country and regime? (in the political context)

Examples would be appreciated.

回答 (2)

2009-05-03 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sapitientia's definition is unclear, btw he should answer in English.

State: You can refer to souverign body as a state(國家), particularly
when you are discussing politics. Examples are US, Israel, Japan..etc
Some large countries such as the USA are divided into smaller areas
called states. ( Washington State)

Country (國土): is it the territory of a state. Hong Kong is not a
country, is it China, just a SAR. An example of a country would be
America which belongs to the United States, England which belongs
to United Kingdom, China which belongs to People's Republic of

Regime: It is the government body in charge of the state. In US,
Obama's regime, in China, Hu Jintao or CCP's regime. China is not a communist regime, although it is ruled by CCP. China is no longer a
communist country, it practices socialism (中國特色的社會主義), which is different to 共產主義.
It would be wrong to call China a Communist Regime.
2009-04-30 6:35 pm
Country是地區。如任何人仕,不知香港屬中國的特區。在出入境的表格上,填上香港在 Country下,就是了。

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