
2009-04-30 4:23 am
1: " 在一個絕熱的密封艙中有一臺開著門的電冰箱, 現接通電源, 讓電冰箱工作足夠長的一段時間 然後斷開電源, 待達到平衡時, 與接通電源前相比, "

A: 艙內氣體的溫度升高, 壓強變大
B: 艙內氣體的溫度保持不變, 壓強不變

請問為何A對, B錯??

2: "不可伸長的輕繩一端繫一質量為m、電荷量為 q 的帶正電的小球, 繩的另一端固定。 小球除受重力作用外, 還受到匀強電場的作用力, 場強的方向向上。現令小球繞固定點在垂直平面內做圓周運動, 已知小球經過軌道的最低點時的速度為 v , 則"

C: 在軌道的最高點, 小球的速度可能大於 v.
D: 在軌道最高點, 繩的拉力可能為零.

請問為何C對, D錯??

回答 (1)

2009-04-30 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The temperature of the room air rises because there is energy input into the room from the electrical power. Thus, just by comparing energy content of the room before and after the supply of electrical power, the energy content of the room has increased. Assume no energy lost from the room, this increase of energy is transformed to heat which causes a rise in temperature of the room air.
As a result of the temperature rise, the pressure of air will increase according to the Pressure Law (a special form of the ideal gas law).
2. Without involving in detailed calculation, electric force is generally stronger than gravitational force. Since the electric force is acting upward, when the ball goes up along a vertical circle, its electrical potential energy (PE) decreases.
Thus, when the ball moves up, it loses electrical potnetial energy but gain in gravitational potential energy. Since the loss of electrical PE is greater than the gain in gravitational PE, there is a net decrease of PE, its kinetic energy and hence velocity will increase. Therefore, the velocity of the ball at the highest point (which has the minimum net PE) is smaller than that at the lowest point (which has the maximum net PE).
At the highest point, the strong electric force is pointing upward, there must be a (downward) tension in the string in order to counterbalance the upward electric force, as the downward gravitational force is weak as compared with the electric force. The string tension will not be zero.

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