Does yahoo answers discriminate against against lower levels?

2009-04-29 12:46 am
I remember when I was a low level I got reported all the time but when I got top contributor and was around level 4 that all stopped. I always thought that was because I got better here but today I gave a troll answer for laughs to some one who asked for a recipe I told her exact steps on how to eat ice cream I thought I would be reported or at a minimum get lots of thumbs down. Instead I got 3 thumbs up and another person with a similar idea (directions to eat an apple) who happened to be a low level got a equal amount of thumbs down. Odd...

回答 (10)

2009-04-29 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Personally, I do think that Y has weighted responses, which would mean that Y is discriminating against lower level members. Or CERTAIN lower members.

For instance, I had a number of people I met on MSN sites transfer over here after MSN closed their sites back in Feb. Most of them are no longer around. Some of them had their accounts closed without ever even saying anything. They came on, sent out connection requests and voted on things, and then got booted. At least 2 guys listed in my contacts or fans list are shown as having made NO ANSWERS or questions yet, but they are already shown as being suspended when you try to check them out. I think one of them was only on for like 2 days before he got booted, without even getting to finish his avatar!

How does that happen?

My suspicion is the Yahoo Q/A has given some members so much influence that those persons can actually put you on a watch-list if they do not like you. Never mind if those TCs actually put out higher quality answers or not. (They got TC for putting out higher quantity, ppl.)

For instance, in one section, a so-called teacher there refuses to use capital letters or punctualtion. When asked about it, he suddenly had this horde of troll accounts popping up to defend him and harass others by email. Now, ANYONE that uses any sort real grammar is accused by him of being a troll. Like he's trying to discourage literacy or something.

Where I come from, they say "the smeller's the feller". That's means, he who screams loudest of others' offenses is most likely the true culprit.

But Yahoo is not ready to see things like that. They grant special weight to those ppl of high authority, as this other guy said, giving them "immunity". Never mind that those guys are often at those high ranks and top contributor slots by cheating and using multiple troll accounts to start with.

So, this "immunity" that this guy speaks of actually PROMOTES trolling and phishing on Yahoo Q.

He even admitted it. The big TC for this kind of thing.

Thanks for the confirmation!

And to Cub's Fan...
Think on this.... All your old answers that you gave before you lost that old account, ALL of them, also got deleted. How's that make you feel, that all your good answers and the help that you offered here, is now gone?

Think about the BIG picture, ppl!
2009-04-29 1:15 am
Please allow me to explain this to you, Kirby.

Members who create a new account don't have what is known as immunity against false reports. In simple words, level 1 members ( if the accounts are new) are considered fresh and haven't yet gained trust levels ( immunity ) against false reports.

Now, the higher your level is, the higher your immunity will be against false reports... In simply words, a trusted member can delete a level 1 content on his own, while he cannot delete a level 7 member content on his own, even if the level 7 member's content is outrageously offensive. This is because ( as previously mentioned) you increase your immunity against false reports when you advance to the next level.

Below are what you need to do in order to build a healthy trust level on Yahoo! Answers to prevent yourself from being negatively reported:

1. Appeal a wrongful violation notice ( when you appeal a violation notice successfully, your trust level increases, and the reporter trust level decreases).

2. Report abuse accurately ( when members you report appeal their violation notice unsuccessfully, your trust level increases, and theirs decreases).

3. Advance to the next level ( the higher your level is, the higher your trust level).

Your trust level can be so high that no one but the Staff can remove your content. Yes Kirby --- so high that even if your content is reported by a million members it won't be deleted. This is because your trust level is so high.

All members with a very high trust level will be reviewed by a real Staff member when they are reported. If their contents are found in violation, the Staff will remove them and send a violation notice to their email.

So to answer your burning question, level 1 members are not discriminated against; rather, have not yet improved their trust levels.

I hope you find this helpful.
2009-04-29 12:58 am
I used to be a real high up muckety muck level 7 for a long time before My old account got deleted, and I'll tell You I prefer the anonymity I have now as a level 5 with no badge. I really think the very best thing to be on Y!A is a Level 5 or 6. But to answer You, yeah the Level 1 and 2's do get discriminated against, big time.
2009-04-29 12:52 am
I never noticed. I'm a pretty low level. I've never felt discriminated against
2009-04-29 12:56 am
it kinda doesnt matter hahaha
2009-04-29 7:14 pm
I think So, I guess they feel like if you are at a low level your Opinion doesn't matter I suppose...
2009-04-29 9:20 am
Yes, it happens all the time to me when I try to give an HONEST answer.
參考: ~ W.T.F.
2009-04-29 3:32 am
No, they don't have it.
2009-04-29 1:30 am
Low levels is that they might do it almost all the times becuase of new or would no your good.
2016-04-06 2:25 pm
I have to admit, when I first read that e-mail from Yamster, I lmfao'd. Princess, we're so proud of ya' ! To think you'd manage to piss those b@stards off to the extent that they'll get downright personal! That was really something. Let's go for a united stance to show our support for our Princess. Why not a Uranus-themed R & S Raid? That's really gonna blow away those b!tches managing Y!a moderation !

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