Paul Gilbert vs. Yngwie Malmsteen?

2009-04-28 10:26 pm
Who do you think is a better guitarist in terms of technical ability and skill?

回答 (10)

2009-04-30 6:23 am
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both are amazing truly gods but i will go with yngwie malmsteen because he once played and a motorcycle blindfolded now thats skill
also the Japanese orchestra he played with, he wrote everything a real virtuoso can play several instruments he can play more then speed listen to making love, far beyond the sun, black star, i'll see the lights to night.
參考: guitars rule rap sucks
2009-04-28 10:34 pm
Paul Gilbert just keep improving.
Putting aside his down-to-earth nature and awesome sense of humour, Paul just has some awesome songwriting chops.

I'll have to give it to Paul - Yngwie has some serious skill to be sure, but I think he's fairly one-dimensional (of course, some of his jams with G3 were pretty great too.)
2009-04-28 10:33 pm
Paul is much more versatile, whereas Yngwie ALWAYS plays like he just drank a tanker truck of Red Bull. He has great technique and I used to love his playing but now I just find it repetitive and tiring to listen to.
2009-04-28 10:30 pm
Paul Gilbert. Technical Difficulties and Scarified are proof.
2009-04-28 10:42 pm
Paul plays more diffacult stuff go on youtube and listen to the one where he just solos. you cant miss it hes wearing nothing but red pants
2009-04-28 10:36 pm
Paul Gilbert
2016-07-19 1:23 pm
Both are incredible players, but both have totally different technique.
Gilbert has a wider range, more creative, easier to watch and learn from, Malmsteen really does come accross as a big bag of wind with a one trick bag when it comes to playing..Still amazing though..
I met Gilbert about 23 years ago after a gig with Mr Big, such a lovely big genuine guy, as were the rest of the band..Specially Billy Sheehan..
Saw Malmsteen the previous year, his gig was amazing, though a much smaller venue.
2009-04-28 10:31 pm
I'm gonna give it to Paul Gilbert -- I love his Racer X days with Bruce Boillet ! And plus Yngwie is just a conceited snob -- I can't give him any recognition -- sweeping appregios or not ! Paul Gilbert -- you are the man ! Just listen to Scarified !
2015-02-21 4:06 pm
Both are fantastic guitarist.
But i don t think that who is the better in technical ability and skill.
Because they are different style from the view of music.
2016-03-24 7:36 am
yngwie malmsteen

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