✔ 最佳答案
1) 留在澳洲多一年才考取那6分, 這是否屬實? = No, the pass mark for IELTS is not the same for everyone, because there is a clearly stated on the letter from the Australia Immigration department, whether you need to pass mark with the following condition:
i) Vocational - IELTS 4科5分 (only if you have nominated a trade occupation)
ii) Competent - IELTS 4科6分 (this is most likely that many people fall into this condition)
iii) Proficient - IELTS 4科7分 (this is what your agent told you)
The above 3 conditions, only ii) & iii) is more likely suit your cases, so if your IELTS 4科6分 = 15 points, whereas if your IELTS 4科7分 = 25 points
2) 其次如果我考不到6分, 打算回香港考, 是否沒有這個機會申請TR了? = No, as long as you got enough points (now Australia require 120 points), then you can still apply it.
3) 我聽說ADELAIDE 是屬遍遠地區可以加分? = Yes, but only in some suburb and you can check out at below website:
2009-04-29 13:57:02 補充:
If you are in Hong Kong now, i would suggest you either call / go to the 澳洲總領事館 (香港).
灣仔港灣道25號海港中心 (簽證及移民 - 24樓)
辦公時間 : 上午 9:00 至 中午 12:00 星期一至五
電話 : +852 2585 4139 ( 星期一至五 下午 2:00 至 4:00 )
傳真 : +852 2585 4459
電郵 :
[email protected]
2009-04-29 13:57:12 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
2009-04-29 17:21:55 補充:
1) 6個月內申請TR? = Yes, but your case is a little different (because the next available IELTS would be in July and the result would come around August), so it is out of your control to meet 條件 & I suggest you go to immigration & tell them your situation & see whether they can give you extension for it.
2009-04-29 17:24:34 補充:
2) 那我3月畢業 9 月到期之後番香港是否就不能再申請TR吧? = No, like i said before, as long as you got enough points (now is 120 points), then you can apply it! The only different if when you are in Australia(this is call "on-shore") whereas when you are in Hong Kong(this is call "off-shore") application.
2009-04-29 17:29:56 補充:
However, I suggest you better contact the immigration personally (email / call / go to the office), because it is difficult to give you the best info here due to everyone have different issue. Also, they can give you the most update information in case of any change in the legalization.
2009-04-29 17:30:48 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^ and hope that you can successfully apply that!