
2009-04-28 6:29 pm

有其他關係代名詞which when what where 也可以引導副詞子句嗎

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2009-04-29 11:54 pm
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有其他關係代名詞which when what where 也可以引導副詞子句嗎

由關係代名詞引導之從屬子句稱為關係子句, 也就是形容詞子句, 非副詞子句
, 作形容詞用, 修飾先行詞。關係代名詞不可以引導副詞子句

形容詞子句 (Adjective Clause) 如同形容詞修飾名詞.

(i) 當他們是動詞的受詞時, 這些關係代名詞可以省略.
(ii) 當他們是介詞的受詞時,如不跟在介詞之後,也可以省略
(iii) 當他們是動詞的主詞時,可將形容詞子句省略至形容詞片語.

形容詞子句當修飾人或物, 用 who, whom, which, that 等關係代名詞連接。
Whose 為 who 及 which 的所有格, can be used as a relative pronoun as well.
關係副詞 when, where 若用以修飾時間或地點之先行詞時, 為形容詞子句

For examples:
(1) The toy that she is playing is Mary’s
“that she is playing” (形容詞子句) 修飾“the toy” (名詞)
=> “that she is playing” is a clause 子句 because it has a subject 主詞 (she) and a predicate (述詞 - 動詞 is playing); it’s an adjective clause 形容詞子句 because it modifies 修飾 a noun 名詞 (toy).

(2) The park where we are having a party is right next to our house.
=> where we are having a party: 形容詞子句
修飾名詞 : the park

(3) I will always remember the day (when) I met my husband.
=> when I met my husband: 形容詞子句
修飾名詞 : the day

副詞子句 (Adverb Clause) 是有副詞作用的子句 (包含主詞, 述詞, 動詞) 修飾另一個子句, 主要作為附屬或連接, 像副詞片語般,但更像是介詞片語
副詞子句顯示出與地點 (place), 時間 (time), 因果 (cause and effect), 對比 (contrast) 和情況 (condition) 的關係, 并且回答有關 where, when, why, with what goal/result, to what degree 及 under what circumstances 等問題

附屬連接詞 such as “when”, “where”, “in order that”, “so that”, “while”, etc. 引導出副詞子句.

For example:
(1) I will go where you go.
=> where you go: 副詞子句
修飾另一個子句: I will go回答有關 where的問題 “Where will I go?”

(2) I want to kiss him every time (that) I see him.
=> every time that I see him: 副詞子句
修飾另一個子句: I want to kiss him 回答有關 when 的問題 “When do I want to kiss him?”

(3) I will give him a hug when I see him again.
=> when I see him again: 副詞子句
修飾另一個子句: I will give him a hug 回答有關 when 的問題 “When will I give him a hug?”

For more details, please read:
形容詞子句: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/elisa-world/article?mid=268&prev=269&l=f&fid=13
副詞子句: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/elisa-world/article?mid=270&prev=290&next=269&l=f&fid=13
參考: Myself. Went abroad at age 11. With 32 years experience speaking and writing English. Tutored English as an Undergrad. A project manager in the US since 1992.
2009-04-28 7:19 pm
副詞子句是 so...that+子句,so和that之間,放形容詞或副詞,所以在that前會有一個so,和形容詞子句的情形不同.
when因為跟時間有關,可以引導副詞子句,但在文法上將這種用法歸之為[關係副詞],只有用在形容詞子句時,才視為[關係代名詞].which, what, where好像不能引導副詞子句.

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