How can I convince my grandparents that the swine flu isn't a big deal?

2009-04-28 3:03 am
I just walked into my grandma's house, and my grandpa won't allow me to see my grandma.

Reason - Most of my friends are from TJ because I go to a private school, so obviously I must be carrying a strain of swine flu because most of my friends at school are from Mexico.

He won't allow me near her, he doesn't want to risk anything.

How can I convince him to let me see her. Swine flu isn't right at the border, it's hundreds of miles away in Mexico city. There are only 7 cases of it in California, which has a population in the millions. Just cause I live near the border doesn't mean I have it.

The media is turning this into a scare. It's ridiculous how much influence US media has.

回答 (15)

2009-04-28 3:17 am
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sweetie, it is a big deal!! you would have had to be in mexico to even risk getting it or had come in contact with someone who has the strain. It is a very big deal if you just watched the news. a lot of died and tons have it there. there are cases in the U.S.. non that have died and they are being treated. The closer you live to mexico the more at risk you are cause you live near the border.. It doesnt matter really though, since people fly all over the world. The CDC put a caution out to people flying in and out of mexico. If it wasn't a big deal they wouldn't have done that.

there are signs if you have it.. let him know you haven't made contact with anyone that has been to mexico or anyone that has been infected with it. He is just worried and that is human nature. write her a letter and ask him to give it to her. the germs will die before they the letter will get to her tell him.
參考: read up on the facts and share them with him so he is more at ease..
2009-04-28 3:07 am
just pass notes to your grandma or something . your grandpa just doesnt want to risk anything, i think its sweet .
just get over it because it is a big deal.. this is only the beginning
2009-04-28 3:10 am
It is a big deal. And he is just being cautious. I'm guessing she has some health issues. So, respect his issues. And hopefully the situation gets better, as opposed to worse.

You can't convince him that it's not a big deal, because it truely is.
2009-04-28 3:09 am
it is a big deal, and it is in the US, not hundreds of miles away in Mexico city
2016-10-02 4:02 pm
you are going to have a no longer common time convincing them it extremely is not any longer a great deal whilst it extremely is all over the information and a public well being emergency has been declared. you may as nicely await it to run its direction.
2009-04-29 3:35 am
Have them view my Nona Nita's Grandparenting Blog. I wrote an article entitled "Don't Make Me Sick" about how the worry over the flu ,which has been fueled by the media, is what will probably make us sick.
Besides, they might like to read the blog on a regular basis.
2009-04-28 3:16 am
1) everyone gets flu, and if you don't get complications you'll be fine.
2) swine flu isn't the only flu that gives you complications
3) most of the people who got swine flu can recover
4) the majority of that group of NY students who spent their spring break in mexico were not infected
5) US has a better monitoring system
6) don't rub your eyes and nose can reduce the risk of getting swine flu
7) sometimes media exaggerate to drag people's attention

i think you grandma should still be aware of possible outbreak....but no need to be super panic....
bring a bottle of alcohol-based water-free handwash with her so she'll feel safer
2009-04-28 3:14 am
Not really but it is ignorant to not be scared especially after Janet Napolitano stated on Sunday more and worse strains are coming. You have to be very careful and take lots of vitamins and nutritional supplements. Your grandfather is 100% right if you are a carrier and your elderly grandmother has health issues you can even be the cause of her sickness or death. You should be grateful not pissed and the swine flu IS A BIG DEAL!
2009-04-28 3:14 am
Your grandfather only wants to protect your grandmother. Dont take it personally. Truth is you just dont know and its not only in mexico, its here and those are only the case reported thus far. There are more than likely at least double that amount. As with any virus this can mutate in either direction, better or worse. You really should be more concermed it is a big deal.
參考: Im in healthcare
2009-04-28 3:10 am
Humor him...wear a mask or something. Or show them the data that shows that the old and the very young are not getting infected. You won't be able to convince him..he has to simply come to that conclusion himself.

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