How effective is a surgical mask at protecting the wearer against the swine flu?

2009-04-27 10:57 pm
How effective is a surgical mask at protecting the wearer against the swine flu? Let's say for some reason I don't want to get the swine flu (duh), would wearing a surgical mask in public protect me 100% or not?

回答 (25)

2009-04-27 11:02 pm
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not very but it greatly reduces your risk of catching it.
2009-04-28 2:50 am
It surely reduces the risk of getting infected (greatly!) ...
back in 03 (?) during the SARS outbreak everybody was wearing a mask no matter where they go...and many experts explained why they should wear masks----this can at least prevent direct exposure to the germs spread by coughing and sneezing etc.
at least you don't contact the vapors directly and I think wearing masks somehow remind you not to rub your eyes,nose...etc during this critical time.
I assume what they said still applies
but i'm afraid others would look at you like you're swine flu carrier if you do wear one.......-_-|||

BTW, i think there's no '100%' in reality, even those that claim 99% is when they are used ABSOLUTELY PEFECTLY ( like in lab setting!), sometimes almost impossible.
and think about condoms, I was shocked to learn that they are just 9X% effective, not 100%! but that's high enough, right?
2009-04-27 11:39 pm
Not effective at all. You need an N95 mask to the best protection, but even then, you are not 100% protected. As others have stated, the virus can enter your body via your eyes. The N95 masks need to be properly fitted as well. There is no one size fits all mask.
2009-04-28 7:43 pm
As has been stated in other answers, the N95 mask or respirator as it is often referred to is the best prevention as this is a respiratory illness. The surgical mask is different. The surgical mask will NOT provide protection as they have been designed to be more comfortable and they are not form fitted. They have leakage around the mask. Again, you need the N95 masks which is form fitted and has a metal nosepiece that conforms to the bridge of your nose. The 95 means that the mask or respirator is certified to filter 95 percent of particulate matter. You can get the superior N95 mask with elastic straps along with tips to avoid the swine flu at
2009-04-28 3:57 am
its helps protect agaianst bacteria transfered through air, however if you touch an virus infected surface and wipe it on your nose and eyes you will still get teh flu, Read the information and guide on the link below for detailed information on Swine flu and howto protect against swine flu, including information about the N95 mask

Information and protection against Swine Flu
2016-04-06 10:42 am
Those masks, even the highest quality surgical masks are designed to protect against bacteria and other large particles. They are largely considered ineffective against viruses. If there are not any reported cases in your area, then you should consider avoiding public places. However, now is not the time to panic, just avoid anyone who is sick and keep washing those hands and visit the doctor if you have a fever, cough etc. Also a note: Any recommendations for homeopathic therapy can largely be considered ineffective. If you are feeling sick, visit a real doctor. Some of these alternative medications can have an unexpected outcome on real medication if you do in fact need to take them.
2009-05-01 9:20 pm
It does not prevent it; however it is a safety precaution.
I have compiled a list also to help prevent spreading and contraction:
1. Wash Your Hands regularly or wear plastic gloves.
2. Avoid touching surfaces and areas that have high traffic, doorknobs, tables, etc.
3. Avoid people who appear sick or ill.
4. Cover your mouth and polity ask people to cover theirs when sneezing or coughing.
5. Cough or sneeze into your forearm, not your hands however if you do wash your hands.
6. Politely avoid shaking people’s hands.
7. Stay indoors if you are sick to avoid contaminating others.
8. Avoid touching any areas of you face, mouth, etc.
I am continuing to build the list, so I will get back to you with any further info…
2009-04-30 5:01 pm
A surgical mask is not designed to prevent people from inhaling a virus.

What it does however is prevent people from getting bodily fluids on them sneezing and coughing. It also helps people avoid touching their faces.
2009-04-29 3:04 pm
It wouldn't protect you 100 percent. Washing hands is still the best protection. But it might offer some protection. Here is an article that explains about flu masks:
2009-04-28 9:37 pm
it does help a bit i'd say. but virus particles are so small they can get through the mark easily. but if some dude next to you on a bus or train is coughing and sneezing the mask can decrease the amount of aerosol saliva particles you are breathing in. also if you are wearing a mask and you happen to be coughing and sneezing it can reduce the amount of saliva other people breathe in. it's better than nothing but it's in no way a fool-proof method. most likely it gives the sheeple more peace of mind than offering any significant protection.
2009-04-28 9:39 pm
Glove Safety Inc. (440) 465-3772 P.O. Box 23788 Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023
Disposable Surgical Mask, Disposable Nitrile/ Latex Medical Gloves, Safety Goggles, Disinfected, Personal Protection Equipment

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