翻譯to english please

2009-04-28 6:12 am
在賽門原先的構想中,這首歌是只有兩節的。那原本是一首福音式的歌曲,而他的直覺告訴他,應該用鋼琴來伴奏,所以他特別從紐約飛往洛杉磯,和一位擅長把吉他和弦改編為鋼琴伴奏的樂師一起工作,但是,葛芬科和他們的製作人Roy Halee卻一致認為,這首歌太短了,假如能夠改成三個章節,必定能夠更受歡迎,而且也會讓聽眾加強對這首歌的印象。為了說服賽門,他們還舉出過去Righteous Brothers一首同樣只有兩個章節、不太成功的福音歌曲來做為例子,證明三個章節的歌曲比較好。



「Bridge Over Troubled Water」是一首獨唱曲,他們兩人都想唱。在葛芬科心裡想,這首歌曲毫無疑問的,一定仍然會由他來主唱,因為他的嗓子清純,適合表達歌中的意境。儘管這是賽門的傑作,但是為了市場,他相信賽門必定會按照慣例,讓他來唱。但是,出乎意料之外的,賽門竟然拒絕了。



賽門與葛芬科分手之後,隨即各自展開獨立的音樂事業,也分別得到了程度不一的成功。比較起來,賽門的歌喉雖然沒有葛芬科那麼突出,卻因為有著過人的創作才華,而彌補了缺陷。他先是在1972年以「Mother and Child Reunion」造成轟動,接著又連續推出了「Kodachrome」、「Loves Me Like a Rock」、「50 Ways to Leave Your Lover」、「Still Crazy After All These Years」、「Slip Slidin’ Away」和「Late in the Evening」等多首暢銷曲,更先後奪得過十餘座葛萊美獎,幾乎只要他發表新專輯,就會得獎。

葛芬科儘管醉心於電影,無奈他的基本條件有限,無法在影壇有多少發揮。1973 年,他以「All I Know」得到排行第九名,讓昔日的歌迷再度聽到他美好的歌聲,不過由於他本身並沒有創作上的才華,在歌壇盛行歌手自行創作的風潮下,他的成就依然是遠遠比不過賽門的。

雖然賽門與葛芬科分手了,但是昔日一起奮鬥的感情還在,因此兩人仍然有好幾次彼此互相幫忙的合作紀錄。除了偶然為對方配和聲之外,葛芬科在1978年還邀請賽門和James Taylor共同合作,唱紅了老歌「What a Wonderful World」。


表面上,他們似乎盡棄前嫌,唱出了一首又一首兩人的經典。當然,有著創作才華的賽門也利用這個機會,唱出了他獨立之後的幾首代表作。而當節目進行到「Bridge over Troubled Water」的時候,依照往例,是由葛芬科獨唱的,賽門退到舞台後方,細心的觀眾可以發現,賽門臉上的表情在複雜中帶著幾許落寞,顯然過去的點點滴滴不是那麼容易就能完全釋懷的。

回答 (2)

2009-04-28 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simon's original in conception, this song is that only the two. It was originally a gospel-style songs, and his intuition told him that should be used to piano accompaniment, so he flew to Los Angeles from New York, and a good adaptation of the guitar chords for the piano accompaniment of the musicians to work with, but, Garfunkel and their producer Roy Halee was agreed that the song was too short, and if it could be changed to three chapters, we will be more popular, but also allow the audience to enhance the impression of this song. Simon in order to convince, they also cite a Righteous Brothers over the past there were only two sections of the same, less successful as an example to make the gospel songs that the three sections of the song better.

Two熬不过insisted that Simon only with the consent of alternative III (but he was very unhappy, so he was singing the song is often sung in front of only two). Everything is ready, they ready to begin recording. Los Angeles, who is responsible for their adaptation of the piano chords of musicians to go to New York because the piano is the focus of the song, just to play other instruments polished work.

In order to emphasize the weight of the piano, they resonate with the electrical device, so that the piano and III in the second part of the resonance can generate significant. In section III, they used a gloomy and explosive bass tone, and gradually into the climax of cymbals are also used high-spirited voices loud and strong, emphasizing the changes between sections. Simon & Garfunkel's hard work, efforts to build a unique style, like a painting in general, and constantly modified in the canvas, to make corrections until the completion of the structure, finally, finally joined by some of the songs.
參考: google
2009-04-29 10:32 am



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