how to factorise 100x^2- 80x + 16?

2009-04-26 1:59 pm
is it infactorable? how will I know whether it can be factored or not?

thanks in advance.

回答 (10)

2009-04-26 2:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

100x² - 80x + 16 =

Factor out the GCF of 4 first.

4(25x² - 20x + 4) =

Now factor the trinomial.

4(5x - 2)(5x - 2) or 4(5x - 2)² <==ANSWER

I hope that helps!! :-)
2009-04-26 2:22 pm
100x² - 80x + 16 = 0
x² - 4/5x = - 4/25
x² - 2/5x = - 4/25 + (- 2/5)²
x² - 2/5x = - 4/25 + 4/25
(x - 2/5)² = 0
x - 2/5 = 0

Answer: 4(5x - 2)² OR 4(5x - 2)(5x - 2)

= 4([5x - 2][5x - 2])
= 4(25x² - 10x - 10x + 4)
= 4(25x² - 20x + 4)
= 100x² - 80x + 16
2009-04-26 2:11 pm
Answer :

It is very factorable! See the solution below :

100x^2 - 80x + 16
= (10x - 4)(10x - 4)
= (10x - 4)^2
2009-04-26 2:04 pm

2009-04-26 2:03 pm
2009-04-26 6:35 pm
4 ( 25 x ² - 20 x + 4 )

4 ( 5x - 2 ) ( 5x - 2 )

4 ( 5x - 2 ) ²
2009-04-26 2:38 pm
100x^2 - 80x + 16
= 4(25x^2 - 20x + 4)
= 4(25x^2 - 10x - 10x + 4)
= 4[(25x^2 - 10x) - (10x - 4)]
= 4[5x(5x - 2) - 2(5x - 2)]
= 4(5x - 2)(5x - 2)
= 4(5x - 2)^2
2009-04-26 2:16 pm
2009-04-26 2:04 pm
100x² - 80x + 16
= 4(25x² - 20x + 4)
= 4((5x)²-2×5x×2+2²)
= 4(5x-2)²
2009-04-26 2:05 pm
100x^2 - 80x +16
= (10x - 4)^2


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