這個program是用來check user input 的數字是否在array中的
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define max 3 <-----請問這句的作用是???
int main()
int no[max], i, m, j, match=0;
for(i=0; i<max; i++){ <---這個for loop的作用是???
for(i=0; i<max; i++){
printf("Input a no. to check this no. is included or not:\n");
scanf("%d", &m);
for(j=0; j<max; j++){
if(no[j]==m) match=1;
else continue;
if(match==1) printf("this no. is included in the array.\n");
else printf("this no. is NOT included in the array.\n");
match=0; <--為何要再set match=0????
system("PAUSE"); <--這句則是要電腦做什麼?刪去會如何??