請各位高人幫我譯成英文....好急 - Yahoo!知識

2009-04-27 4:00 am
2. 高考直到1977年文革結束後才舉行,那一年考生的平均年齡是最大的,錄取率也是最低的。
3. 文革中,知識分子不被尊重,大多數被下放進行體力勞動,有些則遭到殘酷對待,財產被沒收。


回答 (2)

2009-04-27 12:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. The cultural revolution made all the lessons suspended. Recruitment in universities stopped.
2. The high level examination was held until the caltural revolution ended in 1977. The average age of the candidates that year was the highest while the enrollment rate was the lowest aomg all the years.

3. During the revolution, intellectuals were not respected. Most of them were forced to physically labour, some of them were treated cruelly and their properties were confiscated.

4. Since most of the teachers were criticized by the students, the education quality was generally low.

5.Lessons were always suspended becasue a lot of primary and secondary pupils were initiated to join the Red Guards.

6. As for the universities, they are involved in the fightings and criticizings. Hence, no academic progress was made.

7. All of the lessons were suspended in China. Even the abroad-studiers were recalled back to the mainland for a one-year suspension in order to join the revolution.

參考: samuelgiggs2003
2009-04-27 4:18 pm



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