1. The equation of a family of circles F is given by
x^2 + y^2 – 8kx – 6ky + 25(k^2 – 1) = 0
where k is real.
(a)(i) Find the centre of a circle in F in terms of k.
Hence show that the centres of all circles in F lie on the line 3x – 4y = 0.
(ii) Show that all circles in F have the same radius 5.
(b) The figure above shows some circles in F. It is given that there are two parallel lines, both of which are common tangents to all circles in F.
Write down the slope of these two common tangents.
Hence find the equations of these two common tangents.
※ 不用計算(a) part,只供閣下參考計算(b) part之用※
※ 圖上的直線是穿過O點及圓心※