中英翻譯 唔該晒

2009-04-26 7:56 pm
政府: 漠視新移民的權利


普羅大眾:自回歸以來大部份的市民,都會認為內地=無文化,認為他們都是無文化、老土、貪慕虛榮、好逸待勞,彷彿,她們是一群來自落後地區的蝗蟲,來香港掠奪這裡的福利,這裡的好處。然而,便會出現很多含負面的名詞來形容他們,如:「大陸厘」。 然而,當港人北上娶妻的同時,亦把內地女子寫成嫁港人=貪錢,因為香港人也把她們描繪成很貪錢,但事實是,這些婦女有著完全不一樣的婚姻概念。對於她們,婚姻和愛情是兩回事,婚姻是家庭,是為了一頭家去努力,選個經濟狀況較好的,是對將來家庭的一種保障。事實是,許多香港經濟情況較差的男人,回內地娶妻生子,申請妻兒來港後,妻子為了家庭,付出了許多的勞力,丈夫失業,更會出外工作養家,並非是只為了錢嫁人那麼簡單。


回答 (2)

2009-04-26 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the different organization's attitude toward foreigner:
the government ignores the rights of the immigrant
from many years ago to right now,society and the government have always discriminated immigrants, and distrusted them too,claiming that they only come to hongkong for welfare and benefits,not attention to the principle of family reunion,the former 政務司司長 was promoted the population policy report and suggest that the immigrants who came to Hong Kong qualify for receive the public aid changed from one years to seven years,and the policy of other departments consist of cannot vote until immigrant lived the full seven years,cannot apply for the public building, and the center for immigrant were also cancled. the negative effect to immigrant one after the other, how they integrates into the society?

2009-04-26 14:10:36 補充:
the most important things is when non-governmental organizations to cover the requirements of new immigrants in the "established laws against racial discrimination," the consultation document, subject to protection as independent groups, the Government has flatly refused.

2009-04-26 14:10:55 補充:
Government with the new arrivals from the Mainland is the Han Chinese, Hong Kong people the same race, and they have suffered discrimination is social discrimination, has nothing to do with race, it was decided that the laws do not cover new immigrants.

2009-04-26 14:11:16 補充:
"Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, International Convention," to emphasize that the purpose or effect can be made to the definition of race, such as: the new immigrants are faced with poor employment,

2009-04-26 14:11:29 補充:
economic and social treatment, also reflected the effects of racial discrimination. In addition, the Convention also pointed out that not only includes race, color, more including the descent,

2009-04-26 14:11:44 補充:
or national or ethnic origin, even if the same language and race, but culture, society, legal system may also constitute racial discrimination is not the same.

2009-04-26 14:11:54 補充:
The Government's refusal to new immigrants into the scope of Han Li, believed to be a number of discrimination and the Government's policy relating to new immigrants.

2009-04-26 14:12:51 補充:
In the Hong Kong Government's welfare policy and population policy, but also indirectly encourage people of Hong Kong on these new arrivals of discrimination.Since the high-ranking government officials in China in 2099 (May) made a high profile,

2009-04-26 14:13:08 補充:
"the influx of 1.67 million people in Hong Kong, will lead the next ten years the Government will have to bear a non-recurrent expenditure of 710 billion, and the regular provision of services expenditure will reach 33 billion yuan every year.

2009-04-26 14:13:17 補充:
In addition, 6000 hectares of land, or about five times at Chek Lap Kok airport area, to accommodate these new immigrants. This will be difficult to sustain Hong Kong the burden. "the number of panic

2009-04-26 14:13:31 補充:
the public face of this group of Hong Kong compatriots from the mainland, it is the impression that the predators.
參考: google and me
2009-04-27 1:20 am
The different association to comes the port public figure's manner/impression newly: Government: Since has ignored new immigration right many years, the new immigration always is an object which the society and the government discriminates and aims at, refers to them to come the port goal for to take the public aid, pays no attention to the family reunion principle place.

2009-04-26 17:23:09 補充:
First government affairs director promotes in 2003 in the population policy report also suggested that, newly will immigrate to come the port to receive the public aid to occupy the port to gather the qualifications year time, will change for seven years by a year.

2009-04-26 17:26:53 補充:
Together with before formulates the policy to the department, including has not lived the full seven years not to be possible to vote participates in the election, cannot apply for the public building and so on,

2009-04-26 17:27:07 補充:
but serves society the lucky center for the new immigration also one after another to cancel, the new immigration negative label one after the other, actually can they if integrates the society? More importantly, when the folk association request covers the new immigration in

2009-04-26 17:29:35 補充:
“the law prohibition racial discrimination” in the consultation document, took alone when safeguards the community, government actually resists. In the government the new immigration with is the Han Nationality Chinese people, is the people of Hong Kong identical race,

2009-04-26 17:29:52 補充:
but they receive discriminate are the society to discriminate, has nothing to do with the race, therefore the decision law covers the new immigration. “Eliminates a Form Racial discrimination International Joint pledge" to stress, may take the goal or the effect as the race formulation,

2009-04-26 17:30:27 補充:
for example: The new immigration now facing the bad employment, the economy and the social treatment, also reflects the racial discrimination the effect. In addition, the joint pledge also pointed out that, the list includes the race, the skin color, including lineage,

2009-04-26 17:30:55 補充:
nationality or race, even if same text homogeneous, but the culture, the society, the law system with also may constitute the racial discrimination. Hong Kong government will resist newly to immigrate to integrate contains is present the scope, the trust will be discriminates

2009-04-26 17:31:10 補充:
against the new immigration with Hong Kong government many items the policy to concern. But in Hong Kong Government's welfare policy and population policy, also encouraged the Hong Kong resident to come the port newly indirectly to this crowd the discrimination.

2009-04-26 17:31:32 補充:
Since the government senior officials in 99 years (in May) the high-sounding talk proposed “1,670,000 people inrush Hong Kong, will cause the future ten years government to be going to bear 710,000,000,000

2009-04-26 17:31:48 補充:
non-current payments, but will provide each kind of service the current payments every year to amount to 33,000,000,000 Yuan. In addition, but also needs 6000 hectares lands, namely approximately five times in the Chili Jiao Airport area, hold these to immigrate newly.

2009-04-26 17:32:00 補充:
This to Hong Kong will be the burden which will withstand with difficulty.” The numeral is panic; the Hong Kong populace come from inland compatriot regarding this group, and then had spoliator's impression. Proletariat populace: Since the return the major part resident,

2009-04-26 17:32:13 補充:
has been able to think inland = uncultured, thought they all are the uncultured, the bumpkin, admire the vanity corruptly, well treat the fatigue leisurely, is similar, they are a crowd come from backwardness area locust, comes Hong Kong to plunder here welfare, here advantage.

2009-04-26 17:32:23 補充:
However, then can appear very many describes them including the negative noun, for example: “Mainland thousandth of a Yuan”. However, when the people of Hong Kong go north at the same time which finds a wife,

2009-04-26 17:32:36 補充:
also wrote inland female marries the people of Hong Kong = corrupt money, because the Hong Kong person also describes them Cheng Hen the corrupt money, but the fact is, these women have completely the dissimilar marital concept. Regarding them,

2009-04-26 17:32:57 補充:
the marriage and love are the two matters, the marriage are families, is goes for a boss diligently, chooses a financial circumstance good, will be to the future family one kind of safeguard.

2009-04-26 17:33:08 補充:
The fact is, many Hong Kong economical situation bad man, returns to inland to find a wife gives birth to a boy, after applies for the wife to come the port, the wife for the family, paid many labor forces, the husband has been unemployed, could go out the work to support the family,

2009-04-26 17:33:32 補充:
was by no means only gets married for the money that simply. However, always some Hong Kong people, in line with the humanitarianism spirit,

2009-04-26 17:33:50 補充:
unceasingly for newly come the port public figure to strive for the welfare. Thought comes the port public figure also is newly the human, should enjoy the people of Hong Kong with the same welfare.

2009-04-26 17:34:04 補充:
Subtotal: But the people of Hong Kong discriminate against behind them the reason, just is precisely thought comes the people of Hong Kong store to come from newly the state-of-art low countryside, the Hong Kong = modern age, the progress, the Chinese = backwardness, is uncivilized.

2009-04-26 17:34:15 補充:
This kind of Hong Kong's superior point of view, with economy or resources contention not direct relations, even if because has on one's person daughter's freedom good compatriot, still could give the human the crown in “filthy rich, has not savored” the negative words and phrases,

2009-04-26 17:34:22 補充:
the obtained respect had on one's person the same level money European and American tourist far inferior. Newly comes the discrimination which the port public figure receives, is as a result of economical reforming,

2009-04-26 17:34:31 補充:
the government policy, the resident and so on all sorts of reason construction becomes to it negative prejudice. In the society generally to newly comes the port public figure not to accept, is most serious by the woman,

2009-04-26 17:34:39 補充:
enable this group of at the beginning of woman to arrive Hong Kong, both must adapt the new rhythm of life and the way, and must adapt other people bad judgment and the criticism, in addition is alone and friendless,

2009-04-26 17:34:51 補充:
must alone withstand this all sorts of is not happy. Comes the port public figure's difficult position except to come from newly the work, the family, lives the room, bigger is these invisible, comes from populace's pressure.

2009-04-26 17:34:55 補充:
One kind by isolated situation. Is society's judgment, makes them feel is isolated and cuts off from help, even if encounters all sorts of difficulties, also did not know or does not dare to seek the help.
參考: me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me

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