What are your weird food combinations?

2009-04-26 2:22 am
Ok, everybody has those weird food combinations that everybody finds disgusting. What are yours?
Mine aren't exactly disgusting but people have wrinkled their nose on them.
1. Pretzels and yogurt
2. Cheeze-Its and Milk
3. Sour cream and french fries
4. Mashed potatoes and french fries
5. Yellow mustard and steak...this was only one time though lol

回答 (10)

2009-04-27 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Doritos + avocado
2. Broccoli + ketchup

(You know what I can't think of anything else I must be boring, soooo.......)

3. fish sticks + sauerkraut + tuna juice
4. hot dogs + milk chocolate syrup
5. pancakes + relish + sauteed onions + olive oil
6. Lays chips + honey mustard + applesauce
7. Grey poupon + coolwhip + hamburgers

Yeah, try those out and see how sick you'll get lol.
2009-04-26 3:33 am
Ice cream and milk. As in a bowl of ice cream and a glass of milk.
2009-04-26 3:25 am
yours dont sound bad...i like noodles with melted butter and sugar and cottage cheese
2009-04-26 2:33 am
Milkshake or ice cream with french fries tastes good. I've chopped up leftover baked potatoes cold and dipped them in mayo, 1000 island dressing, catchup. What is wrong with yellow mustard and steak? It sounds like a real possiblity.
2009-04-26 2:32 am
Rare roast beef and chicken salad sammie on wheat with lettis and dermater and some regular old tater chips. Equally good with a caffiene free diet Peppy or a cold refreshing Miller Lite.
2009-04-26 2:30 am
barbeque sauce and waffles
2009-04-26 2:29 am
Boiled rice and soy milk. (Pouring the milk to the rice)
2009-04-26 2:27 am
1.porkchop and mustard let me just say ewww
2. i know a girl that eats potatoes and ketchup and macoroni and ketchup
thats about it
2009-04-26 2:26 am
chili cheese fries with mustard and mayoneia
2016-05-31 12:13 pm
Omelette on Toast with Ketchup [I'm not sure if that's particularly weird though]. Thai Sweet Chili flavoured crisps [chips] dipped in chocolate mousse. Cheese [usually cheese strings] dipped in chocolate mousse.

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