Can you simplify 5/(7/x-9)?

2009-04-25 5:57 pm
I think 5/(7/x-9) is completely simplified, but I'm not sure. Can it be simplified further?

回答 (4)

2009-04-25 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. Multiply by the reciprocal.

I can't tell if you mean 5 / [(7/x) - 9] or 5 / [7 / (x - 9)]

So i'll do it both ways.

5 / [(7/x) - 9]
First let's rewrite the denominator so it's one term.

(7/x) - 9
Find a like denominator -- x

(7/x) - (9*x / x)


[(7 - 9x) / x]

Back to the original equation.

5 / [(7 - 9x) / x]
Now, multiply by the reciprocal.

5 * [x / (7 - 9x)] = 5x / (7 - 9x)


Now the other way.

5 / [7 / (x - 9)]

Multiply by the reciprocal.

5 * [(x - 9) / 7] = 5(x - 9) / 7


(5x - 45) / 7

hope i helped :)
2009-04-26 2:07 am
5/[7/(x - 9)]
= 5[(x - 9)/7]
= [5(x - 9)]/7
2009-04-26 1:06 am
2009-04-26 1:04 am
You can multiply by the reciprocal of the denominator. Making it (5(x-9))/7

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