How wet would you get if....?

2009-04-25 1:00 pm
The weatherman forecasted raining umbrellas?

回答 (17)

2009-04-25 1:12 pm
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Wet? oooo I dunno but I think I'd probably get pricked! lalala :)
參考: *looks proud at handy work* :P
2009-04-25 8:04 pm
u wouldn't get wet, you get hit a lot scartches and marks.
2009-04-25 11:48 pm
Not wet at all I wouldn't think. Unless the weatherman was hott.
參考: G.R.I.T.S. ~ Girls Raised In The South
2009-04-25 9:00 pm
I will not get wet but wounded if it raining umbrellas.
2009-04-25 8:04 pm
I'd get bruised, just like a game of paintball.
參考: Ouuuch
2009-04-25 8:04 pm
You wouldn't, but you might get hurt, or poked in the eye by the pointy bits...
2009-04-25 8:04 pm
depends on if the weatherman is hot or not.... :}
2009-04-25 8:04 pm
I wouldn't get wet at all hahaha
2009-04-25 8:04 pm
I wouldn't get wet at all.
2009-04-25 8:04 pm
I would'nt get wet at all!
2009-04-25 8:03 pm
I wouldn't get wet at all

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