grammar 問 題,請 解 答

2009-04-25 11:28 pm
*請 上 述 用 盡 量 中 文 解 釋 及 詳 細 解 答
active voice  passive voice ge 問 題 時 ,点 轉 ? 在 改 寫 時 應 轉 is/am/are 定 was/were 開 頭
( 回 答 時 請 附 加 數 個 轉 passive voice 問 題 例 子 、幫 我 改 寫 以 下 sentences )
1. Do the police arrest people for littering?
2.Do they ban smoking in air-conditioned places?
3.Do you serve vegetarian food in this cafe?
4.Do people leave many items on the trains each day?

在 公 式 上 係 Modal verb +|be + past participle (p.p.)但 在 句 子 上 轉 passive voice 時 則 是 This difficult question can not been answered. 為 何 ? 如 何 分 辦 been and be

回答 (3)

2009-04-26 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先,你嗰句係錯嘅This difficult question cannot be/could not have been answered.
你決定個字重唔重要,擺前定後,有時係睇佢重要性:行為>做嘅人>補充,係咁樣順住落,同中文一樣,所以by xxx唔一定擺最後,係冇其他嘢先擺佢.好似:
例:1 Have you eaten your dinner at home/ Has your dinner been eaten by you at home.
My dinner has been eaten (by me) at home
2 Did you fail your exam in English? Had your exam been failed(by you) in English?
Yes,my exam had been failed(by me) in English.
3 Do you finish your homework before you sleep? Is your homework finished (by you) bfore you sleep?
No, my homework is not finished(by me) before I sleep.
1.Are people arrested by police for littering?
Yes, people(O) are arrested(V) by police(S) for littering.

2.Is smoking banned in air-conditioned places?
Yes, smoking(O) is banned(V) in air-conditioned places.

3.Is vegetarian food served in this cafe?
No, vegetarian food(O) is not served(V) in this cafe.

4.Are many items left on the trains by people each day?
No, many items(O) are not left(V) on the trains by people(S) each day.

2009-07-08 3:50 am
答: 我 相 信 這 也 是 你 的 權 利,即 使 我 想 這 樣,事 實 也 强 差 人 意,希 望 你 能 夠 多 回 答,善 用 你 的 才 華。
你 也 不 用 太 介 意 吧 ! 雖 然 人 有 好 壞 之 分,但 我 相 信 你 不 露 面,也 不 是 他 們 的 損 失 。因 此 我 会 尊 敬 你 的 决 定,我 個 人 卻 認 為 是 一種 可 惜。
2009-04-26 8:18 am


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