The pet store????

2009-04-25 11:06 pm
I visited dog website to found imfornation yesterday. Most pet store have every service specialism. They get dog grooming, bathing, massage,hotel's sleepover, training treat... I really like aromatherapy as well. They design to like child's toy store,The shop veerything have colour more than rainbow, At that time ,I pray with God, Make me a dog, So I can happy away,,(加一句真的做狗好過做人)

昨天我上狗的網站尋找資料,很多寵物店都有很多唔同尊業服務,為狗提供服務有,打扮, 暢泳,按摩,酒店式的過夜,訓練處理,還有我最喜歡的香薰服務,他們把寵物店設計像小孩的玩具屋,寵物店裡面的東西有不同顏色,這些顏色還要比彩虹還要多,,這一刻,我向主 祈禱,我要做一隻狗,我就會好開心,真的做狗好過做人,,,


回答 (2)

2009-04-26 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
中文 :
昨天我上狗的網站尋找資料,很多寵物店都有很多唔同尊業服務,為狗提供服務有,打扮, 暢泳,按摩,酒店式的過夜,訓練處理,還有我最喜歡的香薰服務,他們把寵物店設計像小孩的玩具屋,寵物店裡面的東西有不同顏色,這些顏色還要比彩虹還要多,,這一刻,我向主 祈禱,我要做一隻狗,我就會好開心,真的做狗好過做人...

English :
I visited dog website to find information yesterday. Most pet stores have many special services. They offer dog grooming, bathing, massage, hotel sleepovers, ( response ) training etc... I like the aromatherapy most. They have designed the pet shop like a child's toy store and the interior of the shop has more colours altogether than a rainbow. At that moment, I prayed to God, " Make me a dog, so that I can be happy. Being a dog seems better than being a human... "

參考: ^.^ Good luck
2009-04-26 8:24 am


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