What is the GCF for 12y and 28xy?

2009-04-25 4:27 am
What is the GCF for 12y and 28xy? Thanks alot!!

a) 2y

b) 4y

c) 84y

d) y

回答 (5)

2009-04-25 5:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
..12y = 2^2 * 3 ..........* y
28xy = 2^2 .....* 7 * x * y
...........2^2 ...............* y
........= 4y
2009-04-25 11:31 am
2009-04-25 11:41 am
it's 4y because if you look, both monomials have a y and the GCF between 12 and 28 are 4.
2009-04-25 11:40 am
b) 4y
2009-04-25 11:35 am

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