
2009-04-25 5:43 am
Your parents have just told you that you can have a pet for your birthday.To get your pet, you must write a letter to the Society of Animal Protection. In your letter, explain which pet you would love to adopt and why. Then write how you would look after it.


回答 (1)

2009-05-05 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, you have to use the letter format to write it.
First paragraph, you should talk about the reason why you write this letter to the scoiety of Animal Protection. i.e. Your dream is to have a pet on your birthday and your parents promised you to have one from the society of animal protection on your big day. You also should tell them what kind of pet you want.
Second paragraph, you should talk about your plan how to take care the pet. This is very important to show you won't treat the pet badly.
Last paragraph, you should talk about how important that you want a pet and why they should let you have one. i.e. you will treat the pet like your best friend or brother/sister, and you will put all your effort to take care of it.

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