
2009-04-25 2:39 am

如果我想問一個外國人 可唔可以同我做一做問卷調查
咁應該點用英文問 ?


做完又應該點講多謝佢 ?

回答 (6)

2009-04-30 2:19 am
Excuse me. May I please do an interview with you?

May I take a photo with you?

Thanks for your time! /Thank you!
2009-04-26 10:19 am


2009-04-25 4:11 pm
如果polite d就話
1. excuse me, "state your reason"*, would you mind helping me to finish the Q?

*"你係咩人/學生e.g.i'm from ach sec. sch, 做緊關於咩問卷e.g.and doing a survey about foreigners veiw about HK"

等人知你乜頭乜頭丫嘛~ 如果唔係無啦啦有個人走埋黎叫你做問卷你驚驚地啦~

2. would you be so nice to "take a picture with me"*?

*呢個係主句~ 其他果d都係睇下你想有幾禮貌姐~ 即係would you mind to take又得may i take又得..都係換湯唔換藥囉~

3. that's the end of my interview, thank you for your help!

想casual d咪 thanks a lot!/ thank you for your time~

p.s. 我覺得你應該講左做完份問卷先叫佢影相好d

即係, that's all for my Q thanks for your time, and if you dont mind i wanna take a pic with you

大概係咁啦~ 唔知幫唔幫到你呢~
參考: 自己
2009-04-25 5:54 am
001 - misspelling呀!

Would you please do a questionnaire for me?
2009-04-25 3:27 am
Excuse me. May I please do an interview with u?

May I take a picture /photo with u?

Thanks for your time! /Thank you!

參考: ME
2009-04-25 2:50 am
Could you please help to do the questionnair?

May I take a picture with you?

Thanks for your help!
參考: 自己

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