bearing 入面d走珠點整

2009-04-24 9:17 pm
bearing 入面d走珠點整出黎??


回答 (2)

2009-04-27 5:38 am
點整出黎 ?
有兩個不同的答案 ,如問的是如何製做出來 ?
請到維基百科 !
如問的是如何 從 BEARING 的鋼環內整啲鋼珠出黍,
咁就簡單得多, 只需設法整爛個鋼環,
如用電動手磨機,電焊,風焊,暴力 (注意安全 ),

2009-04-25 5:07 pm
Generally, structural bearings are required to connect different parts of a given structure, such as a bridge deck to piers and abutments.

The most widely used structural bearings are reinforced elastomeric bearings and pot bearings. These components are capable of transmitting forces while absorbing the structures deformations and rotations.

The strength of reinforced elastomeric bearings is limited by the shear properties of the elastomeric block, especially when compression, shear and bending occur at the same time. Pot bearings maximise the shear strength of the bearings elastomer by encasing it in a steel cylinder.

Elastomeric and Pot bearings can be fixed, guided or free depending on design requirements.


收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:17:31
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