grammar 問 題,請 解 答

2009-04-24 7:29 pm
請 幫 我 詳 細 解 答 以 下 問 題 ? thx ~ 緊 急
1.當 轉 passive voice ge 時 候 有 pronoun , 如 下 題,係 咪 可 以
cancell the subject(passive voice ge object)
例:active:They kill the carzy guys.
passive:The crazy guys are killed.

2. active voice  passive voice ge 問 題 時 ,点 轉 ?
( 回 答 時 請 附 加 數 個 轉 passive voice 問 題 例 子 、幫 我 改 寫 以 下 sentences 和 答 上 述 問 題Q2 )
1. Do the police arrest people for littering?
2.Do they ban smoking in air-conditioned places?
3.Do you serve vegetarian food in this cafe?
4.Do people leave many items on the trains each day?

3.我 們 應 如 何 分 辦 active voice 時 的 object?(即 係 点 解 in the park 要 跟 住 the rubbish bins )
例:active:They empty the rubbish bins in the park every day.
passive:The rubbish bins in the park are emptied every day.

請 回 答 上 述 3 大 條 問 題 及 內 附 有 的 問 題 !可 能 我 問 完 後 会 另 有 不 明 , 請 各 位 留 意 及 補 答 ! Thx ~

回答 (3)

2009-04-24 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 係,文法上正確,但要睇下寫作定做功課,你知功課好冇聊.寫作如果個代名詞根本唔重要,唔需要知係邊個就完全冇問題.
2 a. Are people arrested by police for littering?或
Do people get arrested ......
b.Is smoking banned in air-conditioned places?或
Does smoking get banned ......?
c.Is vegetarian food served in this cafe?或
Does vegetarian food served .....
d.Are many items on the trains left by people each day?或
Do many items on the trains get left....
例: a) Does some dog bite your dog ? (ACTIVE)
Is your dog bitten by your dog? (PASSIVE)
My dog was (not) bitten
b) Do you use computer every day?
Is computer used (by you) every day?
The computer is (not) used every day.
c) Do you switch on the fan?
Is the fan switched on?
The fan is (not) switched on.
3 你用中文諗,係公園裏的垃圾筒,同英文被動式都一樣啫.物件先叫object
4 唔係:Mobile phones are not allowed in the library.

2009-04-25 18:20:56 補充:
1 打漏get

2009-04-25 18:32:51 補充:

2009-04-25 18:35:22 補充:
I am
we/ you/ they/ were

I/ he/ she was
he/she is

2009-04-25 19:03:44 補充:
passive The restaurant's fanastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris.
2009-04-27 12:49 am
1. yes the pronoun can be deleted
2. (1) Do the police arrest people for littering?
Do the people arrested by the police for littering?
(2)Do they ban smoking in air-conditioned places?
Do smoking banned in air-conditioned places by them?
(3) Do you serve vegetarian food in this cafe?
Do vegetarian food sreved in this cafe?
(4) Do people leave many items on the trains each day?
Do many items left on the trains each day by people?
3. It is because "in the park" shows where is the rubbish bin, if you put it at the back, it means that it was emptied in the park but the bin maybe in other places.
4.We do not allow mobile phones in the library
Mobile phones are not allowed in the library.
5.這是因為後面的是介紹Chef Jones, 與前面的是兩部份的,你可以當佢係另一句黎看,"Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris." 整部份才是OBJECT.
參考: Myself
2009-04-26 10:35 am


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