喬治布殊於 2003 年攻打伊拉克,是否犯上戰爭罪行?

2009-04-24 4:42 pm
美國前總統喬治布殊於 2003 年攻打伊拉克,是否犯上戰爭罪行?會否被拉去國際法庭受審?


回答 (6)

2009-04-25 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
在你發問的時候 你吾知吾知道他的祖業是什麼 由他第一天上任他部署好未來的事 伊拉克是他前菜 他還想攻打伊朗 但是打了伊拉克發生很多問題 所以沒打到伊朗 老布希沒打伊拉克咪他打 他一方面是為了石油 一方面是為父報復 他是無罪 他不會負上任何責任
2009-04-30 7:59 pm
not guilty to fight a war by benefit his country interest. he just want to stabilize the area and show other dictators the power.
how about your communitist China stole R.O.C's power, land and people is also a war criminal??
do you think why China so aggressively surport Iran to develope A bomb for what? oil supply plus can test Western countries power as well, i guess....
PS. US spend 800 billions in the war of Iraq. but when the Iraq selling their oil to foreign countries, who keep the money?
參考: own common sense by refuse to read Chinese news papers.
2009-04-28 12:04 am
係 ,
但係美國依然很強 , 沒有人敢胆出黎指證佢
2009-04-26 10:54 am


2009-04-25 7:34 am
2009-04-24 6:34 pm

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