complaint letter

2009-04-24 7:23 am
如何寫封英文投訴信給航空公司,投訴他們遺失本人之行李,因為行李內有些禮物是預備送給幾位多年(二十年無見面)的親戚,但本人無法收到自己的行李,更無法送給幾位多年無件親戚,要求航空公司賠償。事件內容:第一天從香港出發經(阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam)到挪威的(奧斯陸Oslo), 第二天從挪威Oslo 到瑞士的(哥德堡Gothenburg),再由Gothenburg經London回香港,但第一天從香港到Amsterdam,接駁機到Oslo已失去行李,報失後未有消息行李在那裡,直至本人準備在London回香港才收到航空公司消息說行李轉送到芬蘭的Helsinki,已安排明天送回本人香港住址。可否要求他們賠償損失。

回答 (3)

2009-04-24 3:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Writing a complaint will not help you at all.

If your luggage can be back to you without damage or lost, your chance is really limited because international treaty prevent you from seeking damage from the airline companies.

Even it is lost or damaged, there is a standard rate for compensation, not as you said.

Your best chance? Travel vouchers maybe.

Don't waste your time on that.

2009-04-24 4:33 pm
complain is not much use. lost lanugage is very common in airline business.
if you fine a complain, mostly they will only pay small amount--- couple hundred dallors because for the delay. which depend the rule of the company's ploicy.
as long you can get your lanugage back. and nothing lost or demaged. the case is finish.
i know you are very angry, but thing like this always happen.
2009-04-24 3:05 pm
is easy la you go to 東方日報 投訴 la , they willl help you to contact them directly then then answer will be told you quickly , ok
hope you understand ;;;l
good luck.

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