
2009-04-24 4:35 am
Before the 18th century, most people in Europe only thought and explained everything based on religious belief, but when the 18th century came, thinkers and philosophers started to understand the world through reason based on scientific evidence and logical proof. And so, the 18th century proudly earned the name - the 'Age of Enlightenment'.

The Age of Enlightenment also affected the social and political development of countries, and this new way of thinking partly led to various revolutionary wars throughout Europe and America. For example, the French Revolution (1789 - 1799) marked a dramatic turn for the internal political structure of France, from a country ruled by Kings into a modern nation run according to the will of the people.

Below are some of the famous people in the 18th century. Can you match them with their descriptions?

Who was the empress of Russia?
A. Jane Austen B. Catherine the Great

C. George Washington D. Napoleon Bonaparte


Brilliant minds always shine through in times of war and unrest. It's no different in the 19th Century. Alexander Graham Bell would be such an example. He is known as the first person to hold the patent and the credit for creating the first ever telephone in the world. Another example would be the famous United States inventor Thomas Edison. He was responsible for the creation of the electric light bulb. Can you recognise them?

Many famous artists, writers and musicians we know today were also born during this period of change. Let's check them out one by one!

1. ___________ was the writer of the classical book 'David Copperfield'?
A. Claude Monet B. Charles Dickens

C. Abraham Lincoln D. Vincent Van Gogh

2. Who created the first telephone in the world?
A. Thomas Edison B. Graham Bell

C. Thomas Einstein D. Graham Bull

Part1: 1. Who was the first President of the United States of America? A. Napoleon Bonaparte B. Catherine the Great C. George Bush D. George Washington 2. Who was the empress of Russia? A. Jane Austen B. Catherine the Great C. George Washington D. Napoleon Bonaparte

回答 (1)

2009-04-24 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Who was the empress of Russia?

A. Jane Austen B. Catherine the Great

C. George Washington D. Napoleon Bonaparte

1. ___________ was the writer of the classical book 'David Copperfield'?

A. Claude Monet B. Charles Dickens

C. Abraham Lincoln D. Vincent Van Gogh

2. Who created the first telephone in the world?

A. Thomas Edison B. Graham Bell

C. Thomas Einstein D. Graham Bull
參考: ^.^ Good luck

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