唔該各位英文高手幫我由中文翻譯做英文ar 10

2009-04-24 4:04 am

12. 蠔涌車公廟

回答 (8)

2009-04-24 6:46 pm
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The Che Kung Temple of Ho Chung
The Che Kung Temple of Ho Chung is one of the famous traditional architectures in the New Territories. With a sophisticated building layout, the temple is nicely situated with a small river running in its front and behind it a forest with Feng Shui value. It is also a fine preservation of traditional building style.
Opening hours: 7am to 6pm
2009-04-25 7:36 pm


又問埋呢 d 咁淺 ge 問題

成日搵日幫你做功課, 你第日點做護士呀喂~
2009-04-25 4:59 pm
12. Ho wells up Che Gongmiao

Ho wells up Che Gongmiao is one of New Territory famous tradition constructions. Che Gongmiao the selected location and the architectural composition are really good, first near wells up the gorge, dislikes the geomancy forest, and retained the traditional architectural design. Time: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
參考: me
2009-04-25 3:18 am

12. 蠔涌車公廟


12.Ho Chung Che Kung Temple
Ho Chung Che Kung Temple in the New Territories, one of the well-known traditional architecture. Che Kung Temple is very good site and building layout, the former Pro Chung Stream, back Fung Shui Woodland, and to retain the traditional architectural design. Time: 7:00 to 18:00


參考: need not to know
2009-04-24 5:57 am
12. The oyster wells up Che Kung Temple

It is one of the traditional buildings of the name New Territory that the oyster wells up Che Kung Temple. Site selection of Che Kung Temple and building arrangement are very good, have welled up the ravine ago, has carried the forest to the geomantic omen, have kept traditional architectural design. Time: From seven o'clock a.m. to six o'clock in the afternoon
2009-04-24 5:52 am
One of the famous architectureS
2009-04-24 5:22 am
12. Ho Chung Che Kung Temple

Ho Chung Che Kung Temple is one of the most famous traditional architecture in the New Territories. The Che Kung Temple also has a well setting of the building and address , with Chung Kan at the front and Fung Shui wood at the back, preserving the traditional achitectural design.

Time: 7:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.
參考: me
2009-04-24 4:21 am
12 Ho Chung Che Kung Temple
Ho Chung Che Kung Temple is one of the most famous traditional achitecture. The siting and the achitecture setting is great, with Chung Can on the front and Fung Shui Lam at the back and keep traditional designs.

Time: 7:00am – 6:00pm

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