幫幫手改改佢~ 英文sentence

2009-04-24 4:01 am
我想好似講野咁, 講出哩幾句sentence~
但我英文冇咁令, 請各位高手指教小弟~

題目係why we need to provide education for sports?

"Not many people know about sports. They had the wrong concept about it. People would think just do one or serveal times exercises for a long period is enough for sports. As a matter of fact, we need to provide sports education to everyone."

知道多D concept既兄弟幫幫手諗多幾個point出哩呀~

回答 (3)

2009-04-24 4:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Not many people know about sports. They often had the wrong concept
about it. People would think just doing exercises once or twice for a
long period is enough. As a matter of fact, we need to provide sports education to everyone as it is critical to our health. Doing sports also makes us immune system stronger. It helps us to fight off the germs in our body and it also makes us live longer. Some sports like archerycan train our patience, while other sports like swimming, running and ball games can train our endurance."
參考: Me
2009-04-24 4:43 am
Not many people really understand sports, they have the wrong concept of it. People think exercising just once or serveal times a week for a long period is having enough practise . As a matter of fact, we need to provide sports education to everyone."
However, sports can maintain our physical and mental health. Education is a good way to encourage us to learn more about our bodies, sports and finally through exercise to keep healthy. Therefore, we need to provide education for sports.
Nowadays, computers are our main tool used in daily lives, we can shop, learn and play on the internet with a computer and just staring at it .We do not have enough exercise and become fat. It harms our health gradully, but without the sports education, we cannot find a suitable time to set aside studying and choose to exercise.
2009-04-24 4:36 am



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