假設句 (hard)

2009-04-23 3:32 pm
If I win the mark six tomorrow, I will repay the money to you.

If I won the mark six tomorrow, I would repay the money to you.

Which of the sentence is correct?
I guess the second one because "假設句" should use past tense

回答 (5)

2009-04-26 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
我認為, 以下的假設句要運用那一種conditional方式, 就要取決於你想表達些甚麼意思或概念.
1) If I win the mark six tomorrow, I will repay the money to you.
(這用法表達: 是否中彩票仍是未知之數. 不過, 如果我中獎的話, 我就會還錢給你.)

2) If I won the mark six tomorrow, I would repay the money to you.
(這用法表示: 我肯定我明天不會中六合彩. 如果我中獎的話, 就還錢給你.)
問題係: 對於未發生的事, 我們又如何可以那麼肯定呢?
Future Real Conditional
If I go to my friend's house for dinner tonight, I will take a bottle of wine or some flowers.
(I am still not sure if I will go to his house or not.)
When I have a day off from work, I am going to go to the beach.
(I have to wait until I have a day off.)
If the weather is nice, she is going to walk to work.
(It depends on the weather.)
Jerry will help me with my homework when he has time.
(I have to wait until he has time. )
I am going to read if there is nothing on TV.
(It depends on the TV schedule. )
A: What are you going to do if it rains?
B: I am going to stay at home.
Future Conditional可以分為:
l Future Real Conditional
l Future Unreal Conditional
Future Real Conditional係假設你在將來一個特定的情況下, 你估計你會做甚麼. 雖然Future Real Conditional名稱係Real, 但對於一些將來未發生的事, 所發表的一番言論只能看作一種估計. 就算中彩票的可能性有幾低, 但總是不能否定有發生的機會. 所以未發生就假設全無可能 (即是如果用Future Unreal Conditional的話), 未免不太恰當了. 對於地道English speakers來講, Future Unreal Conditional並無Future Real Conditional噤普及使用 (尤其當你講及天氣或運氣等話題).
基於以上的原因, 我相信句子1 (Future Real Conditional) 較適合.
致於作無可能的假設, 這類型的手法較常用於形容過去的事. 因為過去的事己發生 (即己成定局), 可以好肯定地作無可能的假設.
Past Unreal conditional
If I had won the mark six, I would/ could have repaid the money to you.
(意思係: 如果我有中過彩票, 我就一早己經還錢給你啦!
因為我根本沒有中過, 所以倘未還錢.)

2009-04-24 7:17 am


2009-04-23 6:11 pm
If I win the mark six tomorrow, I will repay the money to you.
This one is correct.

There are 4 types of conditional sentences.For instance,

1)if you heat ice , it melts. (this is the fact )

2)if i had a car , i would drive to school every day. (this is an imaginary situation )

3)if you study hard , you will get a good result . ( most probably )

4)if you had studied hard , you would have got a satisfatory result .
(it's already done )

according to your sentence , you may most probably pay back the money to someone else if you win the mark six .
so this situation is the same with example 3 .
參考: ask if you got any doubts
2009-04-23 5:45 pm
2009-04-23 4:46 pm

if....persent tense... , ......will + v. ....

if....past tense ............ , .....would+ v..............


其實CONDITIONAL SENTENCE唔係難,F1應該要識,如果你唔識去學下好D

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