
2009-04-23 10:05 pm
I think [the reason the restaurant is successful] is that we concentrate
on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price.

回答 (4)

2009-04-23 10:56 pm
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I think the reason is that we concentrate on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price.

The restaurant is successful.(餐館經營成功。) 來讓reason這個字有意義。
I think the reason that the restaurant is successful is that we concentrate on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price.
如果我沒記錯的話,像reason這種字好像是叫做"抽象名詞"吧!類似的字還有:problem(問題)、fact(事實)、conclusion(結論)、idea(想法)、news(消息)、possibility(可能性)、theory(理論)、question(問題)...等等;一下子也想不到太多,只有想到這些。(小弟個人不喜歡記太多有的沒以的文法名詞;可能是我自己懶的關係,而且也覺得沒什麼必要弄得那麼累...) 你其實也可以去查市面上的文法書,我想應該會人把這些字都整理出來吧。

2009-04-23 18:11:33 補充:
名詞是可以以同位語型式當受詞的受詞補語的<< 在此更正這句話;非受詞而是主詞。the reason一直到最後面都是名詞子句,當think的受詞。但the reason本身在這個名詞子句裡面是當主詞。不過the reason後面的"the restaurant is successful"應該不是形容詞子句;還是解釋成同位語會比較好!
2009-04-23 11:32 pm
I was about to answer this question but saw that j28678 has already provided pretty good answer. Anyway, just for your reference, this is my answer. http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/elisa-world/article?mid=648

2009-04-23 15:33:05 補充:
It is too long to post my answer in the comment section. Please refer to the link I provided.
2009-04-23 11:10 pm
I think {[the reason the restaurant is successful] is [that we concentrate
on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price]}.
1. {(that) the reason the restaurant is successful] is that we concentrate
on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price}. 這整句是名詞子句作為 think 的受詞, the reason 前面的關係代名詞 that 被省略掉. 而這名詞子句又包含了兩個子句.
2. the reason 是名詞子句的主詞, the restaurant is successful 是形容詞子句, 修飾 the reason. is 是名詞子句的動詞. that we concentrate on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price 是第二個名詞子句, 作為主詞 the reason 的補語.
參考: myself
2009-04-23 10:32 pm
I think [the reason the restaurant is successful] is that we concentrate
on serving food of the very best quality for a reasonable price.
這裡的the restaurant is successful是一個名詞子句做reason的同位語.reason是後面動詞is的主詞.全句也可以寫成 
I think that the reason why the restaurant is successful is that we concentrate on serving food of the very best quality for a resonable price.
這是一個complex sentence內有三個附屬子句.

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