What flavors will Tofu absorb better than others? Recipes for "delicious" tasting tofu?

2009-04-23 1:12 am
I have a new vegetarian coming to visit who has yet to explore the many flavors achievable through the ubiquitous foodstuff of Tofu. Not wanting to disappoint but to encourage them in their newly chosen lifestyle as a vegetarian, I'd like to prepare them various dishes with tofu to show them how tastey a vegetarian diet can be.

By itself, Tofu may not have a lot of flavor but it is so versatile, it can pick up other flavors. But as a good chef who is just inexperienced with Tofu, I'm looking for some pointers to prepare one or more recipes that will impress.

I'm seeing recipes that marinate the tofu. Is that the best way to infuse flavor?

Are there any spices or ingredients that tofu will NOT absorb and that I should not waste my time with?

Any advice you can provide will be appreciated. As a meat eater, I don't plan on becoming a Tofu Master but I certainly want to encourage my guest in their choice of a healthier diet. This would be my 15 year old daughter from out-of-town whose mother is not an avid cook. I'm hoping to empower my daughter with innovative ideas on how to prepare vegetarian meals that will please even meat eaters in her home.

Note, she is a basic vegetarian but not a vegan. She eats limited dairy but avoids eggs unless hard boiled or totally incorporated into the dish. No meat as a conscientious objector to the slaugher of any animal or fish.

回答 (9)

2009-04-23 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
You sound like a good host/dad!

I like orange tofu, I make it so often I don't have a recipe but I marinate thinly sliced tofu in equal parts soy sauce and orange juice, about a cup of each for an entire block of tofu because you want to really soak it. Then I cook it in sesame oil and serve with a little more soysauce/orange juice drizzled on top and a sprinkle of nutritional yeast, however you could use parm.

It's really simple but REALLY good. I also find I can work it into any meal plan, it's even good for breakfast.
2016-02-26 3:27 pm
This is a homemade recipe from our my home, tasty! Egg Tofu (tofu which added ingredient with eggs) Egg (whole) Salt Soya sauce Pepper. Beat egg together with salt/sugar and pepper. Then Cut eggtofu into pics then slight fried them. Add in egg mixture into the sliced eggtofu and fry until whole pic are golden brown. Serve with chilli sauce or mayonise. Nice!
2009-04-23 3:15 am
You could deep -fry and serve it with peanut sauce for something exotic but delicious or you could freeze a block of med tofu, thaw it, ring it out (it's like a sponge after being frozen) and then tear it and add to a good chili recipe in place of the beef. It's almost unrecognizable like that.
2017-03-11 9:18 am
Fruits have sugar, it's natural, but some fruits can even be bad for you. Veggies are a lot healthier, particularly the green ones.
2017-02-17 5:43 am
Fruits are sweeter and take less effort to get ready, generally, so I tend to eat more fruits. Unless we could talking caned, but still, you usually heat up the veggies, so another vote for fruit.
2016-10-14 6:05 pm
Tofu Flavor
2016-09-01 10:49 am
That's an interesting question!
2009-04-23 1:26 am
Although you might think so, I have NOT had as much luck with liquid (marinating) tofu as I have had with sautéing them in a spicy mixture. Though if you then use the marinade as a glaze (reducing it) and stirring in into the tofu you may have better luck. The flavor I have notice to really taste good (covers) the plain flavor of tofu is Jerk seasoning.

2009-04-23 1:24 am
Marinated Tofu Stir Fry

Serves 6-8

Marinade Ingredients:

1/2 cup Soy Sauce (I prefer low-sodium tamari, a wheat-free Japanese soy)
Sesame Oil, a few drops
Rice wine vinegar, to taste
Garlic (2 cloves minced)
A pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
1 lb. block of Firm or Extra Firm Tofu

Stir-Fry Ingredients:

1 each medium sized red and green pepper (julienne cut)
1 medium onion (julienne cut)
1 carrot (julienne cut)
2 stalks celery (bias cut)
1 cup fresh brocolli florettes
1 cup fresh bean sprouts
4 cups cooked rice
Oil (for cooking)


Gently squeeze the extra liquid out of block of tofu with a paper towel. Cut tofu into 1/2 inch by 1inch pieces.

Mix all marinade ingredients together and toss tofu in marinade. Let stand for at least 30 minutes (the longer the better) tossing occasionally.

While tofu is marinating, cut all ingredients for the stir-fry. If necessary, cook the rice and have ready.

In a wok or deep sided fry pan, heat to medium-hot, 1-2 TBS of good quality oil (canola or olive oil work well).

Remove tofu from marinade and stir-fry for 2 minutes(save marinade for sauce). Remove tofu and set aside.

Stir-fry peppers, onion, carrot and celery for 3-4 minutes. Add brocolli and sprouts and fry another 2 minutes. Add marinade and bring liquid to a boil.

Thicken the sauce with 1 TBS of cornstarch or arrowroot mixed with a little water then add cooked tofu. Simmer for 1-2 minutes and serve over hot rice.
2009-04-23 1:23 am
I am actually a vegetarian, and tofu tastes really good in stirfrys, and really almost any asian dish. But make sure if you plan on cooking/frying that you buy firm tofu. I've also made peanut noodles; raman noodles, peanut butter, tofu, and a little soy. It's a good inexpensive meal. But you can search any stir fry recipe, and substitute out the meat.
hope I helped!!!

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