I have a new vegetarian coming to visit who has yet to explore the many flavors achievable through the ubiquitous foodstuff of Tofu. Not wanting to disappoint but to encourage them in their newly chosen lifestyle as a vegetarian, I'd like to prepare them various dishes with tofu to show them how tastey a vegetarian diet can be.
By itself, Tofu may not have a lot of flavor but it is so versatile, it can pick up other flavors. But as a good chef who is just inexperienced with Tofu, I'm looking for some pointers to prepare one or more recipes that will impress.
I'm seeing recipes that marinate the tofu. Is that the best way to infuse flavor?
Are there any spices or ingredients that tofu will NOT absorb and that I should not waste my time with?
Any advice you can provide will be appreciated. As a meat eater, I don't plan on becoming a Tofu Master but I certainly want to encourage my guest in their choice of a healthier diet. This would be my 15 year old daughter from out-of-town whose mother is not an avid cook. I'm hoping to empower my daughter with innovative ideas on how to prepare vegetarian meals that will please even meat eaters in her home.
Note, she is a basic vegetarian but not a vegan. She eats limited dairy but avoids eggs unless hard boiled or totally incorporated into the dish. No meat as a conscientious objector to the slaugher of any animal or fish.