How to stop turning off the computer after I press the "Shutdown (U)" button?

2009-04-22 11:14 am
How to stop turning off the computer after I press the "Shutdown (U)" button?



回答 (7)

2009-04-22 11:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can create a shortcut to the Abort Command for Shutdown then put it in Quick launch so it is a single click option. Right Click anywhere on the Desktop, the got to New...then Shortcut. For the "Location of the Item" type in " Shutdown -a " {no quotes} then hit Next. Give it a name Like Shutdown Abort. Then drag it down to the quick launch bar at the bottom. This way if you want to abort shutdown or only have one click...and it is done.
參考: Experience
2009-04-22 11:52 am
If you hold down the power button: No.

Usually, no, but if you are fast, (in XP, because you never
specified)Hold down Windows Key+r for run menu. Type shutdown -a. For better results, type it in the menu now so it will be in the cache, so you can hit enter when it pops up to make it even faster, but you probaby won't be able to do it.
Or you could write a batch file now:
open notepad
type the following
@echo off
shutdown -a
Save file as abort.bat and save it to your desktop.
double-click it to abot your shutdowns.
For better results, put in repeated entrys or type it in repeatedly.


You could just change the setting:
Control Panel(classic view)>Power Options
click Advanced tab
change the When I press the power button... option to "Do nothing"
2009-04-22 11:19 am
Well, if you are quick enough to type:

shutdown -a

into the RUN dialog box, you can abort the shutdown process.
this trick, of course, requires some finger dexterity and quick reflexes.
2009-04-22 11:18 am
Isn't that the purpose of that button?
2009-04-22 11:18 am
If you're superman you could try going Start -> Run -> shutdown -a and hit enter. That cancels the shutdown.
2009-04-22 1:16 pm
Run the command in the "run" or command promt: shutdown -a
2009-04-22 11:30 am
yeah use shutdown -a however u could make a script or mini prog/trainer so it does it for u without u having to type like a speeding train, dependin on how fast ur comp shuts down a misstype can be frustrating

i dont know myself how to make one but if u ask how to here im sure somone will tell u =]

Run - shutdown -a

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