*急!!!聽日交* Geography(Land use)

2009-04-23 5:32 am
將軍澳及東涌主要係屬於咩Land use?
1. Commercial land use(商業用地)
2. Residential land use(住宅用地)
3. Industrial land use(工業用地)
4. Transport land use(運輸用地)
5. Institutional land use(社團用地)
6. Recreational land use(康樂)
7. Mixed land use(混合土地利用)

回答 (4)

2009-04-23 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
將軍澳及東涌都是一些新市鎮的代表。新市鎮多為人口密集區因為有很多屋村。所以將軍澳及東涌主要是Residential land use。
此外,將軍澳也有Industrial land use(將軍澳工業村), Recreational land use(公園,球場等),Commercial land use(商場), Transport land use(地鐵),但都不是主要
東涌也有Recreational land use(公園,球場等)Transport land use(機場快線) Commercial land use(商場),也都不是主要。
參考: 自己,全無複製
2009-05-01 8:49 pm
I advise you use some time to read Hong Kong map in internet. You could easily find the landuse type in a map by reading its symbols.

I think 將軍澳 is residential land use and industrial land use, because
將軍澳 is reclaimed land for soothing the problem of over-crowded and so to build more residential buildings. Industrial landuse is because 將軍澳 has industrial estate將軍澳工業邨。

東涌should be transport and industrial landuse. But be caution, it has become a new town so there is also more and more residential buildings now.
參考: my own.hope it helps
2009-04-23 5:38 am
2009-04-23 5:36 am
將軍澳及東涌主要係屬於咩Land use?
1. Commercial land use(商業用地)
參考: me

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