我想問ensure可否等於make sure呢?

2009-04-23 4:22 am
我想問ensure可否等於make sure呢?
如 someone should make sure .......是否等於 someone should ensure .......

咁有沒 maked sure 如 I maked sure something is safe.........

回答 (3)

2009-04-24 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好,你所谓的 someone should make sure ...... 和 someone should ensure ...... 都是一样的,你也可以用 someone should make certain ...... 的,美国人也喜欢用 someone should insure ......,只是看你喜欢用哪一个而已。

可是,你写 maked sure 就错了,因为它是个不規則(變化)的动词 (irregular verb) 来的,所以你必须写 made sure 才对的。

自然地,你也可以写 I made sure something "was" safe ...... 的咯。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-04-23 7:01 am


2009-04-23 5:15 am
They are the same meaning except
make sure is more spoken English while ensure is good for written and spoken English.

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