What is the name from China?

2009-04-23 12:41 am
Why the name is China?

回答 (4)

2009-04-29 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) The first recorded use of the word "China" is dated 1555.
It is derived from Cin, a Persian name for China popularized in Europe
by Marco Polo.
(2) Our term china for porcelain or ceramic ware is
a shortening of chinaware and probably china dishes.
(3) Although the word china is identical in spelling
to the name of the country,
there are 16th- and 17th-century spellings like
chiney, cheny, and cheney that reflect
the borrowing into English of the Persian term
for this porcelain, chīnī.
The Persian word and the Sanskrit word Cīnā (चीन),
"Chinese people," which gave us the English name
for the country, go back to the Chinese word Qn(秦).
(4) China was historically referred to as
Sina (hence "Sino-"), Sinae, Cathay, or Ceres.
2009-04-23 5:02 am
日本叫中國係 "支那" !!!

So, it is called" China "

Believe me!!! I am a teacher. You can search what is "支那" ?????
參考: Me...........Teacher
2009-04-23 1:42 am
1. 瓷器;陶瓷器[U]
Please put the china away carefully.



2009-04-23 10:19:04 補充:

2009-04-23 12:47 am
  The Republic of China.

2009-04-22 16:47:53 補充:

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