It's a bag, I think one funny thing. I have a girlfriend ago. She liked to put in many things in bag, I went out with her on holiday, She took bag only ten minutes, then she begged me to help you to took her bag, Finally, I bought it and took it origin of me, Therefore, You first think small or big if you will buy bags for girlfriend,
Let's flash back to this bag, The skin has all monogram. This words all green color, It like a wall was covered in graffiti. The origin of designer made this bag, One day he is pass through a lane, The lane had drew in graffiti on the wall and under the neon light, The designer thought up this idea, let's return to say this bag's size. The length's 18 inches, the width's 11 inches, the height's 6 inches. It made by leather trim with small siler hardware, Most magazine have review quality star; It has five stars.......
係一個袋, 我想起一件趣事,我以前有一個女朋友, 她喜歡將很多東西放入個袋裡面,在假日我和她去街,她拿這個袋只有十分鐘,就叫我幫她拿,最後買和拿這個袋都是我,所以,如果你想買袋送給女朋友先想想尺吋,,,,
回說這個袋, 它的表面有很多字母組合圖案,而這些字母全是綠色,它好像一幅牆滿佈小孩的塗鴉,原來設計這個袋的設計師,在某天他穿過一條巷子,在霓虹光底下看到這條巷子牆上滿佈小孩的塗鴉,因而想起這 idea, 再說說這個袋的尺吋, 長 18吋,濶11吋,高 6吋,它用皮革剪栽而成,還帶有細小銀色金屬,外面很多雜誌的品質平價,都給它五粒星,,,,
Could anybody correct English part...還請各位,我在英文部份用上小孩的塗鴉,因我笨拙的英文真想不到怎樣打,其實我打這編爛文章已用了很久時間,之前已打過一次,但不小心按錯 Esc 這鍵,全部也沒有了,又要重申再打過,我唯有在預覽前早點複製,,最後當然感謝大家幫手,幫手,,謝謝,Thank you so much,,thank you,,,,