
2009-04-22 8:29 pm

回答 (3)

2009-04-22 10:37 pm
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我養貓已 6年了. 希望可以幫到你.
佢應該係噁毛姐. 唔係病. 因貓貓成日 lam 自己個身. 故胃內積聚左一 D 毛球. 佢地定期就會自己噁番出黎 ka lak. 噁既時候佢會好似好辛苦咁 ka. 但之後又回復正常. 好自然咁 ka wor. 哪總之, 佢食得瞓得痾得就應該冇乜問題的.
一日要痾一次屎. 三兩篤尿咁上下. 你清潔貓砂時需留意. 一旦佢2 至 3日都冇屎. 一定要即刻同佢去睇醫生呀! 因貓兒既腸胃係好差好弱的.
至於貓草. 除左有少少提神作用之前. 主要係幫助佢消化 / 噁毛的. 唔一定要食. 但食左都有益既. 各大寵物店都一定有售 ka lak. 有貓草丸, 貓草糧或貓草盤哉的.
同埋依家事面上, 其實已經出左去毛球配方既貓乾糧. 如 Royal Canin. 我隻貓食開的. 佢分好多種糧 ka. 適合唔同年齡, 唔同品種既貓貓. 我隻貓食左佢既 furball 配方. D 毛由大便道排左. 故好少再嘔 lak.
2009-04-23 12:35 am
Usually it's because the cat lick his body with his tongue and "ate" the lose hair in his body and cause the vomitting. This happen frequently when season change (especially from winter to spring) because in winter the cat grew thicker hair to keep himself warm, and in Spring, he will shred a lot of hair to keep his body cool. So, if this is the case, then you can give your cat those hairball remover to eat, or let him eat those hairball cat food. My cat eats Hills Hairball Light, and he doesn't have much vomitting due to hair lose. Of course, it will be helpful if you can comb your cat's hair regularly. This will prevent him to "eat" the lose hair in his body.

For other cases, it's wise to bring your cat to a vet, espcially if you see blood in the vomit.
2009-04-22 8:44 pm

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