
2009-04-22 5:26 am

回答 (4)

2009-04-30 5:44 pm

如果比我揀,我會搭singapore airline,雖然要轉機,但係佢服務好,同埋,又可以去程或回程去singapore玩下,同埋又可以抖下,因為搭咁耐機好tired。中途係singapore抖下都唔錯。我諗價錢都差唔多,同埋唔係用多好多時間。
2009-04-23 9:33 pm
1. 如果你有參加其中一間航空公司的 frequent flyer 計劃,就應該繼續乘搭該公司的航班,好讓你的分數得以連續保存!

2. 如果你是以香港為基地,國泰應是首選,因其航線一定用香港為必經之地,航線較澳航多,將來飛行哩數用容易積累起來!

3. 食物差不多;但國泰會有多幾些會說粵說或普通話的工作人員,溝通方面會稍勝。

2009-04-23 12:03 am
往澳洲, 一般應該有 3間直航公司的. Cathay Pacific, Quatas 及 Virgin. 3間之中, 當然國泰最好. 而較年青既機組人員就係 Virgin. 最差係澳航. 近排佢地既內陸機仲不時有意外 tim!
2009-04-22 8:11 am
1) Australian feel - Qantas; Homesick - Cathay Pacific
2) Chinese meals, more choices of Chinese movies/channel - Cathay Pacific
3) need to transit in Australia - Qantas
4) would love to fly B747-400/A330(to Sydney). B747-400(to Melbourne - Qantas; A330 - Cathay Pacific, rarely experience B747-400 on Cathay Pacific to Sydney, Melbourne
5) more frequent flights - Cathay Pacific
6) Both airlines has chinese speaking cabin attendant(s), personal TV
If the reason of this HKD100 different change your decision because of the above reason(s). Then, go ahead with your own decision
7) Mileage - My experiences, sometimes, you can earn mileages on special fares of Qantas flight but not for Cathay Pacific (check for the terms and condition)
I have experiences (20 years) on both Cathay Pacific and Qantas Airways to Australia

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