
2009-04-22 3:03 am

回答 (5)

2009-04-23 1:24 am
The Resistance Of Ammeter Is Low,,

If The Ammeter Connect In Parallel,,

It May Cause Short Circuit,,

So If The Resistance Is Low,,

It Must Connect In Series To Make Sure That

It Can't Upset The Circuit But Still Can Measure The Current
2009-04-22 8:08 pm
1) ammeter 是量度電路上使用的電流 -Amp,若果並聯便型成分流,並不是量度的電流數據。
2) 由於 ammeter 的內阻大低,並聯便好像型成一個短路,引致燒錶。
2009-04-22 7:46 pm
Simply speaking, ammeter is an instrument used to measure electric current, and electric current is a flow of charges.
Therefore, if you wish to measure the "flow of charges" at a point on an electric circuit, you must connet an instrument at that point in order to "catch this flow of charges". Obviously, the ammeter has to be inserted at that particular point to let charges flow through it. This is in fact a series conection.
2009-04-22 8:05 am


2009-04-22 6:16 am

2009-04-21 22:34:01 補充:
爲什麽? 只有一個理由,要量電流量。

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