
2009-04-21 11:26 pm

I do it finish....having seafood...
I present to finish .....having seafood...
I show it finish ...having seafood...
Please anybody help me? thank you so much...

回答 (2)

2009-04-22 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
As soon as I finish acting, introduction and portraying, I will eat the sea food.

2009-04-21 21:06:33 補充:
or After I finish acting, introduction and portraying, I will eat the seafood.
2009-04-22 12:02 pm
I finished a show, and then I go to eat a seafood dinner.
I did my classwork introduction before having a seafood meal.
I go to a seafood dinner after the deductive reasoning seminar.

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