
2009-04-21 4:23 am
本人想在香港開設一間名牌( PRADA、GUCCI、D&G、CHANNEL .....等等)水貨店,售賣各國名牌衣服、手袋、銀包、鞋...等等,並想直接飛往米蘭,意大利等歐洲之廠家或批發店入貨,請問有無人熟悉這行之運作,及米蘭,意大利等地方之入貨窿路,那邊廠家或批發店之地址及聯絡方法 ? 及經營這行生意之竅門 ? 無言感激 !! 謝謝 !!

回答 (2)

2009-04-28 5:37 am
I am sorry that I dont know much about this but I am currently staying in London and travel to Italy or France sometimes for vacation. I am also thinking if I can earn some money by selling the branded handbags to Hong Kong. Are you interested in this business? We can further discuss if you are interested. Thank you. My email is [email protected]

P.S. I am also from Hong Kong but I will stay in Europe for study for 2 years.
2009-04-23 12:44 am
有興趣email:[email protected]
參考: me

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